Valya Karnaval gave a big interview

Lately, fans have accumulated a lot of sensitive questions regarding But Carnival. Personal life, plastic surgeries, career – this is what the star intrigued her audience with. Finally, Valya gave more interviews, where she revealed all her cards. We have collected the most interesting details for you.

The Path to Fame: Where It All Began

It is no secret that nowadays you can become a hype star even without being a talented actress or singer. The Internet space and the big stage are also being captured by bloggers. It’s raining knew from her teenage years that she would become famous – all that was left was to realize the idea. However, popularity came to Carnival unexpectedly even for herself – one day she just “flew in” a video filmed in her grandmother’s garden. The video brought her a relatively large number of likes and subscribers. This became motivation for Valya to continue filming. Then the aspiring star thought out all the algorithms for running social networks herself, and later began working with a producer Zair YusupovThe result is obvious!

Reason for Breakup with Sasha Stone

A high-profile period in his biography Carnival had a relationship with Sasha Stone. The bloggers broke up in the spring of 2023, without having the planned wedding. Subscribers believe that Valya acted very cruelly, leaving her lover right on his birthday. But the star assures that there were good reasons for this. The day before, the couple had had tough fights, and everyday life simply “ate them up.” Stone turned out to be insanely jealous, and this was completely unfounded. In addition, the blogger really wanted to start a family and have children, so he reproached Karnaval for putting her career first.

“I am an incredibly patient person. I can endure for a long time if I love. Because I made my choice. And I always try to respect my choice. I have never just dumped a person. We had a lot of fights, scandals, misunderstandings. We simply ate each other up energetically. A storm of negative emotions, a whole squall – and we just mightn’t cope anymore,” the star explained.

Was there an affair with Yegor Ship?

At the beginning of a career But attributed a relationship with another then-budding blogger — Egor Ship. Their communication remained an unsolved mystery for subscribers. Finally, Karnaval admitted: there was no romance. At that time, she and Ship were simply filming collaborations that gained a lot of views. It was beneficial for both. Later, Valya realized that she wanted to be an “independent unit” on the Internet. The girl did not want to be accused of hype at the expense of other bloggers. Then the guys began to distance themselves.

“It was all childish, 17 years old, we were in Moscow filming videos together, having fun, relaxing,” Valya summed up.

Vali Karnaval meets Yegor Creed

The relationship was no less loud Carnival with Egor Creed. The fandom believes that they became close following Valya starred in his video “Girl from the Picture.” The star admitted that their story began much more interestingly. Creed noticed Karnaval when she was still living in Rostov-on-Don and was just starting to develop her blog. Then Egor saw one of her videos and was the first to write a message. This is how the stars began communicating, and at first it was purely work-related. Only following that did Creed offer Karnaval a role in his video, and later their work relationship grew into a romantic one.

Why did Valya Karnaval and Egor Creed break up

Many girls don’t understand Carnival: Well, how might she ruin her relationship with Creed himself? After all, it’s Creed! In an interview, Valya explained that at some point she felt uncomfortable around him. When both partners are creative people, then, as a rule, their cockroaches in their heads simply do not get along with each other. Karnaval considers these relationships toxic: in her opinion, creative individuals themselves unconsciously create this atmosphere in order to feed on negative emotions and draw inspiration for creating dramatic tracks. At some point, Egor and Valya began to exhaust each other with excessive emotions.

When the girl realized this, she decided to leave. The feelings – good and not so good – between the former lovers did not fade for a long time, so following the breakup, Valya and Egor dedicated songs to each other. In them, they staged a drama and portrayed each other as abusers.

“How much we wore each other out, how much we tormented each other. We were so aggressive and impulsive following the breakup! We tried to turn everything that was between us into something evil. Although we really, in truth, loved each other. With our own strange, incomprehensible, sick love, but sincerely,” recalls Valya.

How Carnival Reacts to Hate Online

It’s raininglike many stars, often said that she simply doesn’t care regarding hate on the Internet. But this time the star said that negative opinions actually break artists. Karnaval admitted that at some point she almost went crazy from the pressure on the Internet.

“People don’t understand how much people’s opinions break artists. Unnecessary opinions, but you pay attention to them. When you try your best to be kind, polite, responsible, diligent, and some people say, ‘you got everything thanks to this or that,'” the star is indignant.

Childhood in poverty and first job

Valya does not hide the fact that her entire childhood was spent in poverty. Her parents tried to arrange their life, but nothing worked out. Previously, her father Carnival suffered from alcohol addiction, and the negative consequences, including poverty, overtook the family just following Valya’s birth.

When her father passed away, Karnaval got her first job as an actress at a quest. The money she earned was barely enough to pay for a rented apartment and food. The quests took place at night, and following them, following sleeping for literally one hour, Valya got up at 7 am and walked to college on foot, because she also had no money for travel.

Are Valya Karnaval and MACAN dating?

There have been rumors circulating online lately that It’s raining and MACAN started an affair. Eyewitnesses even leaked footage online of the blogger and the rapper allegedly kissing. However, the quality of the photos leaves much to be desired, and it is difficult to determine the identity of the people in the frame. Valya assures that there is only friendship between her and MACAN. The girl considers him very talented, respects him as a friend and an artist, but nothing more.

“If I need some quick help and suddenly there is no one around, I can call Andrey [настоящее имя MACAN’а]and he will help me. But we are not dating,” Carnival said.

About weight loss and plastic surgery

Recently It’s raining became very beautiful: she got an extremely narrow waist, moderately juicy hips, and her facial features became more chiseled. The blogger lost weight from 65 to 43 kilograms. Subscribers decided that the star had undergone a series of plastic surgeries, but before this interview Valya had not commented on her transformation.

Karnaval admitted that she had been bullied for being overweight for several years. Because of this, she developed many complexes and even an eating disorder. Valya never answered what helped her lose so much weight. We assume that it was stress. The star explained her position by the fact that she has many teenage girls subscribed to her, who follow her example. Karnaval does not want to take on such responsibility and advertise plastic surgery. The only thing the star admitted to was a breast lift.

“I lost a lot of weight, and you can all imagine what might have happened to my breasts. I’m a young, cool girl, I’m 22, I want to feel confident. I had a breast lift. But, honestly, I even slightly condemn popular girls who flaunt it all and say: “I did this, and I did that,” ” Valya explained.

Photo: social networks, screenshots from interviews



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