Xóchitl Gálvez wants the president to be tried for “treason against the country”

MEXICO CITY.- The former presidential candidate Xochitl Galvez presented this Wednesday a reform initiative in Congress to judge the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorand future leaders for “treason to the homeland“by interfering in the election, such as the one on June 2.

At a press conference, the PAN senator said she seeks to add article 123-Bis to the Federal Penal Code with new sanctions for him head of the federal executive in case of violating any of the principles.

According to the initiative, the penalties that a federal president might face would be 10 to 50 years in prison and a fine of up to 3,000 Measurement and Update Units, which today are equivalent to 108.57 pesos (5.99 dollars) each, that is, a total penalty of up to 325,710 pesos (17,751 dollars).

What actions by the President would be punished?

Xóchitl Gálvez listed the behaviors for which the president of Mexico might be sanctioned: using or allowing the use of public resources, goods, funds, services or benefits related to public administration to influence the electorate and position a person as a pre-candidate, aspiring candidate, candidate for a political party or coalition.

Also that you use or allow use those resources for influence the electoratedenigrate, attack, insult or defame a pre-candidate, aspiring candidate, candidate, political party or coalition.

And that it exercises by any means of political gender violence once morest a pre-candidate, aspiring candidate, political party or coalition, with the aim of influencing the electorate or that violates by any means the principles of equity, impartiality and electoral neutrality.

In addition, he proposed an article 5-Bis to the General Law on Electoral Crimes to apply the sanctions of the Federal Penal Code in cases of crimes committed by Holders of the Federal Executive Branch.

Xóchitl Gálvez challenges TEPJF decision

Last week, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) found that López Obrador committed several legal violationsincluding political gender violence, during the largest electoral process in the country, but did not receive any sanctions.

In response, the senator said she had challenged the fact that the president was not sanctioned for these acts, arguing that anyone who engages in political violence receives a fine and is obliged to offer a public apology.

“In this case, the president committed political violence based on gender and has not been punished. And two, the court has already determined that the president did indeed intervene in the election, but he has not been punished either,” she lamented.

Read: AMLO “did violate me”: Xóchitl sends the INE manual and calls the President sexist

#Xóchitl #Gálvez #president #treason #country
2024-07-07 12:18:06



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