Salis effect over? –

The national news agency Dire, in collaboration with the research institute Tecnè, has photographed the voting intentions of Italians and this week the most striking data is the gain in consensus by Forza Italia, which rises by 0.2% and reaches 10%. A slight decline, however, for Fratelli d’Italia, which falls by 0.1% and moves to 28.7%. The Democratic Party gains 0.1%, thus reaching 24.6%. The 5 Star Movement, however, remains where it was: blocked at 9.6%. A slight downward slide also for the League, which loses 0.1% and stops at 8.7%. Has the Ilaria Salis effect already ended? Is it possible that the much debated issue of illegal occupations has influenced the sentiment of Italians? These are the questions that arise when analyzing the results obtained by the Greens and the Left, which lost 0.1% and collapsed to 6.7%.

Good news for Italia Viva, which rises by 0.2% to 1.9%. Azione (-0.2%, 3.2%), Pace Terra Dignità (-0.1%, 2.1%) and +Europa (-0.1%, 2.0%) are down. As for the level of approval of the leaders, Giorgia Meloni remains firmly in first place with 43.2% of the consensus, despite losing 0.2%. In second place on the podium is Antonio Tajani with 36%. Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party, rises, gaining 0.3% and stopping at 31%. Giuseppe Conte also rises to 29% (+0.1%). A slight downward slide for Matteo Salvini (27.3%, -0.1%). Down Emma Bonino (22.5%, -0.3%), Carlo Calenda (20.3%, -0.2%), Angelo Bonelli (16.5%, -0.1%), Nicola Fratoianni (16%, -0.2%) and Matteo Renzi (14.5%, -0.2%). Michele Santoro remains at 16%. Finally, once more according to the survey, 39.4% of those interviewed have confidence in the government (-0.1%), 53.4% ​​do not (-0.1%). The percentage of those who do not know which side to take is increasing (7.2%, +0.2%).

#Salis #effect #Tempo
2024-07-07 09:28:58



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