Questions continuing to call AI “intelligence”

Questions continuing to call AI “intelligence”

VATICAN CITY.— Pope Francis launched a “provocation” on artificial intelligence or AI and asked: “Are we sure we want to continue calling ‘intelligence’ something that is not intelligence?” in his speech to participants at the “Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice” Foundation conference.

The Pope said that this question regarding artificial intelligence “is a provocation,” according to “Aci Prensa.”

“Let us think and ask ourselves whether using this important and human word inappropriately is not already giving in to technocratic power?” he said.

This was stated yesterday by Francis in his speech at the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican, to the participants of the conference of the aforementioned foundation, which has been reflecting in Rome since last Thursday on the theme “Artificial intelligence and the technocratic paradigm: How to promote the well-being of humanity, care for nature and a world in peace.”

In his speech, the Pope recalled a quote from Stephen Hawking—the famous and now deceased atheist astrophysicist who in 2016, in the Vatican, acknowledged that the father of the Big Bang theory is the priest Georges Lemaitre—who warned regarding the advance of artificial intelligence to the point that human beings “might not compete and would be surpassed.”

Asked regarding the usefulness of AI, the Argentine Pontiff proposed these seven points for reflection:

1. “The delicate and strategic issue of responsibility for decisions made using AI must be explored in greater depth: this aspect challenges several branches of philosophy and law, as well as more specific disciplines.”

2. “Effective regulation is necessary to stimulate ethical innovation useful to the progress of humanity and to avoid or limit undesirable effects.”

3. The world of education and communication “should have a coordinated process to increase knowledge and awareness of how to use AI correctly, and thus transmit to new generations, from childhood, the critical capacity with this instrument.”

4. “The effects of AI on the world of work must be assessed” in order to have “a professional requalification process” and “facilitate the relocation of people who have been laid off to other activities.”

5. It is necessary to “carefully examine the negative and positive effects of AI in the field of security.”

6. It is necessary to “carefully examine the negative and positive effects of AI on people’s relational and cognitive capacity and their behavior.”

7. “It is necessary to remember the enormous energy consumption to develop AI, while humanity faces a delicate energy transition.”

The Pope is closely following the advent of this technology, which was the focus of his 2024 Message of Peace, and went to speak regarding it last week at the G7 summit in southern Italy.— Aci Prensa/EFE

China New Bishop

Pope Francis appoints new Chinese bishop thanks to historic agreement with Beijing


Francis has appointed Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang as the new bishop of the Chinese diocese of Hangzhou, thanks to the historic agreement between the Holy See and Beijing in their process of diplomatic rapprochement.


The Pope also received Russian ambassador Ivan Soltanovski, with whom he discussed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s conditions for peace in Ukraine, which call for withdrawal from annexed regions and withdrawal from NATO, according to the Russian diplomatic mission’s version of the meeting. They discussed the Ukrainian conflict, including the conditions for peace expressed by Putin, a Russian diplomatic representative told TASS.

#Questions #continuing #call #intelligence
2024-07-06 14:35:14



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