“Salis and the occupations? Shameful” –

“I consider it shameful that those who are paid by Italians to write laws make excuses for the violation of laws, I consider it shameful that privileged people illegally occupy houses intended for poor people, I consider it shameful that in a state of law, even here, an excuse is made for proletarian expropriation in a nation in which private property is sacred and inviolable”. This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, guest of Paolo Del Debbio on Dritto e Rovescio, broadcast this evening on Retequattro, answering a question regarding Ilaria Salis’s statements on illegal occupations.

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“I consider the silence of the left on these positions to be scandalous, particularly that of the PD and the 5 Star Movement. After that, to point out a difference, I can say what we have done,” Meloni added. “Inserting into one of our bills on security a provision that introduces a new crime, which is precisely arbitrary occupation of a property intended for someone else’s domicile, with a prison sentence of two to seven years in prison, and, to facilitate the solution of this problem that unfortunately concerns thousands of cases in Italy, we also foresee two innovations.”

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“The most important one,” the prime minister explained, “is the possibility for the police and the forces of law and order to proceed with the eviction of an occupied property even without waiting for the authorization of the judge who will eventually have to validate it later. So on the one hand there are those who fight illegal occupations – I point out that in these 20 months we have evicted regarding 150 entire buildings occupied illegally, over 1100 public housing units occupied illegally – there are those who fight the racket of illegal occupations and those who, paid with the money of Italians, instigate the racket of illegal occupations. Points of view. Italians will decide which one they prefer.”

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#Salis #occupations #Shameful #Tempo
2024-07-06 10:30:03

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