41 violations of freedom of expression in June

  • The report by the non-governmental organization highlighted that intimidation was the most frequent type of violation.

On July 5, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Espacio Público reported that 41 violations of freedom of expression were recorded in Venezuela during the month of June, one more than those recorded in May.

Espacio Público highlighted that at least 16 journalists were victims of violations of freedom of expression, as well as six cameramen or technicians and one media outlet.

According to the report, the perpetrators include six public institutions, five security forces and two officials, as well as two groups sympathetic to the government.

“We also recorded the arrest of two private individuals and two journalists,” the NGO said in a statement. note published on its website.

According to data from the NGO, 68 violations of the right to freedom of expression were recorded in the first four months of 2024, which meant an increase of 26% compared to the same period in 2023, when the figure was 54.

The most frequent types of violations were intimidation (30%), followed by censorship (27%) and in third place judicial harassment (14%).

Espacio Público did not specify which events accounted for the remaining 29% of violations of freedom of expression.

Photo: EFE

Censorship once morest radio stations

Espacio Público denounced the attack once morest several radio stations in Venezuela by the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel).

On June 8, the radio station La Vernácula 88.3 FM, which had been operating since 2008 in the city of Zaraza, Guárico state, was the victim of censorship because Conatel officials confiscated the audio processor, console, computers, microphones and other equipment.

“The station was entirely cultural and folkloric, dedicated to promoting the music and customs of its locality. However, in the cultural program “Entre tiples y bordones” by the announcer Alexander Matabán, he made some references to information of a social or political nature,” said the NGO.

Another case they documented was the going off the air of the program Guayana at 12, hosted by journalist Francesca Díaz, from the radio station Electrika 97.7 in Puerto Ordaz, in the state of Bolívar.

According to Espacio Público, the measure was due to “constant pressure from management” to minimize the political content of the program.

The censorship recorded on June 7 during the live recording of an episode of the podcast A Medias, hosted by political scientist Ana Milagros Parra and journalist Ricardo del Búfalo, is another of the cases exposed in the report.

The program was censored by authorities at an autonomous university in Maracay, Aragua state, where the hosts appeared before students of that campus as part of a university tour to promote and inform regarding the political rights of citizens.

“Towards the end, an authority demanded that they stop the recording and asked them to leave the campus,” the NGO said.

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Photo: Freepik

Violations once morest citizenship

Among the cases of violations of freedom of expression in Venezuela documented by Espacio Público, the most notable is that of citizen Sandra Alizo, who was attacked by three women supporters of the government in a school in San Fernando, Apure state.

The incident occurred following Alizo recorded and reported red spots of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) during the electoral simulation that took place on June 30 for the presidential elections.

Alizo reported that the women beat her and took her cell phone to delete the photos she had previously taken.

“According to the citizen, the attackers are members of a local “UBCh,” organized groups of PSUV supporters who have previously harassed, intimidated and threatened people in communities that do not support the government,” the NGO report said.

Another case they highlighted was that of journalists Luis López and Ismael Gabriel González, and political activists Jeancarlos Rivas, Juan Iriarte and Javier Cisneros, all detained “arbitrarily” in Caracas and La Guaira between June 14 and 17.

The detainees were charged with inciting hatred in connection with the activities of the campaign command of opposition leader María Corina Machado.

CICPC arrested a fake dentist in Bolívar state
Photo: Pixabay

Attacks on journalists

Another of the violations recorded by Espacio Público during the month of June involved Venezuelan journalists who were trying to carry out their work in different activities.

On June 24, they documented the complaint by journalist Jefferson Díaz regarding the impediment by authorities of the Venezuelan Consulate in Quito, Ecuador, to conduct interviews with Venezuelan migrants during a passport distribution day at the Ecuadorian House of Culture.

The impediment also affected the reporting work of the local media team Teleamazonas, which was going to interview Díaz on site. A Consulate official told them that they might not be there, nor record, nor do interviews,” the NGO denounced.

Another case occurred on June 30, when security officials of the opposition presidential candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, attacked press workers who were trying to cover his arrival in the city of Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state.

“Among those attacked were Jhoalys Siverio, from Correo del Caroní and Crónica Uno; Carlos Zúñiga, from VPI, along with his cameraman José Medina; Rosangely Bruces, from Nueva Prensa Guayana; Enderson Pérez and his cameraman, from Venevisión; as well as Gustavo Montaño, Alvis Herrera and Leonardo Estanga, also press workers,” Espacio Público detailed.

However, Edmundo González Urrutia’s press secretary later explained that there were “people infiltrated to create chaos” at the site, so even part of his team was attacked in the midst of the chaos that ensued.

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#violations #freedom #expression #June
2024-07-06 08:58:13



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