Zodiac signs: Pisces, today you tend to get in touch with the most hidden aspects of yourself or to look for an… exit from reality – 2024-07-06 06:51:41

Fortunately, the dawn became the square of the Moon in Gemini with Saturn in Pisces, so the day will be “saved”, since the bad humor and misery will slowly dissipate and thus Thursday will once once more acquire freshness, carelessness and a strong communicative mood .

We will be characterized by extroversion and relaxation, our language will be rosy, while we will have the tendency to express and chat regarding our feelings, to meet our favorite people, with whom we have a good time, to exchange news and gossip, knowledge and information. It is also a day that favors walking and shopping.

Late in the evening, just before it moves into Cancer, it will also square Neptune in Pisces, so to avoid misunderstandings and misunderstandings, it would be good to withdraw from the world and stay with the company of ourselves or a few select people .


With the Moon in Gemini in your 3rd, you will be immovable, communicative, you will have a lot of movement, transactions, transactions and contacts with people and acquaintances. In general, you will deal with your daily activities, you will have a good mood and increased sociability. However, a good mood is not enough by itself, especially during the hours when the Moon will form a square with Neptune from your 12th because it can bring to your memory unpleasant situations and make you depressed. Everything you hear and say will be filtered through the emotional charge of the moment, resulting in you being subjective. Do not rush to make decisions or initiatives, instead choose to calm your body and mind with relaxed activities that do not need order and organization.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 2nd, you will be gripped by insecurity and a tendency to assert yourself through your material possessions. There will be instability with the Moon square Neptune in your 11th and possibly if you are not careful, you will make mistakes in payments and purchases. It is possible that someone from your friendly environment will throw you in the towel and ask you to help him/her financially. Avoid it as much as you can if you don’t want to be fooled and deceived because things may not be what they seem. In general, you will have a somewhat frivolous, fickle and wasteful mood and a tendency to buy “monkey” products or even be the victim of a robbery without even smelling it.


Your unstable nature is intensified even more with the Moon in your sign and in your 1st much more with her square to Neptune from your 10th, which can make some situations look completely different than they are. Avoid getting involved in words or scandals that will tarnish your reputation and image. You will be quite moody with a tendency to delusions and to make others believe, sometimes without even realizing it. You will not be satisfied with the developments in your professional area and neither will your partner. Lies will be told on both sides and today is not a good day for discussions or important decisions because you will be particularly sensitive and emotional as a result of which you will not be able to see the events impartially.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 12th, you will be quite sensitive and receptive to the external stimuli of your environment. You will have a melancholy mood, delusions, phobias and disconfirmation of your expectations with the Moon square to Neptune from your 9th. You will not think logically and if any difficulty arises you will more easily give up and leave the problems to their fate than to face them. You will want to escape from your everyday life and at best, you will daydream and avoid fulfilling your obligations, while at worst you may try to escape through other ways more harmful to your health. You may take the day off and not work today because you will feel unwell.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 11th, you will feel the need to be with friends and acquaintances. However, with her square to Neptune from your 8th, issues may arise that prevent you from enjoying the company of your friends. For a goal, a plan, etc., you will either have illusions that it can be implemented, or you will realize that it cannot be implemented, as a result of which your expectations will be denied and you will be disappointed by the negative development. In the love field, you may be divided regarding someone from your friendly environment and not know if you see him/her as a completely friendly person or if you have romantic feelings for him/her. Both of them may have a similar dilemma and completely unintentionally disorient the other.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 10th, you will deal with professional and social issues, while with its square to Neptune from your 7th, it is very likely that you will be dissatisfied with your cooperation with someone. It is not a good day for decisions or initiatives and if you are out for a social obligation you will be bored and most likely regret attending. In general, you will feel exhausted or perhaps a little unwell from the tiredness of the day, you will not have the mind and the mood to deal with obligations and jobs that require patience and good organization. In the emotional sector, for an affair it is possible that the loved one will fill you with lies in order to disorient you from reality.


The Moon in Gemini and in your 9th, brings an optimistic mood and a need to do different things in order not to get caught up in routine matters. Especially with her square to Neptune in your 6th, you will completely ignore obligations and duties since you will feel your energy decrease noticeably. You will have a tendency to daydream, a mood for travel, for dream adventures, while at the same time you will be tired to do tasks that require physical fatigue. In matters of your health, you will be somewhat confused and ill-phobic. If you have taken routine exams, make sure that the answers do not contain errors and that there are no misunderstandings and confusions. Maybe it’s better to take time off and stay home to relax and rest.


With the Moon in Gemini in your 8th you will be emotionally charged and prone to depression and bad psychology. Especially with the Moon square to Neptune in your 5th, your mood will drop even more especially if you are going through a breakup phase. Sadness and disappointment overcome you and you constantly feel like you are “falling”. On the other hand, if you are in a relationship, it is possible that you will discover some lies of your loved one and be disappointed, while if a new romantic acquaintance arises today, it is most likely to remain on a platonic level and it would be good not to indulge in the dream and the romance because you will step on it. Investments, financial exposures and inheritance cases are not favored today.


Your day will be dedicated to your partner with the Moon in Gemini on your 7th. You will be indecisive, yielding and with the Moon square to Neptune in your 4th, you will remain sensitive to your partner’s issues, to the point of willfully brushing things under the rug and being willfully blind. In your attempt to show understanding you may say words of comfort that even you yourself will not believe. Try not to give your word today and don’t promise things you don’t know how to implement. Avoid agreements, transactions and signing contracts. For an existing agreement because you may be disappointed. You will find it difficult to show trust today and be shown.



With the Moon in your 5th, you will have an increased romantic mood and a need to enjoy things that are the joys of life with the difference that your romantic mood will make you see everything as ideal, especially with the square of the Moon with Neptune in Your 2nd. If you have children, there is a possibility that they will take advantage of your good mood in order to get more pocket money, throwing it into drama and fairy tales, while it is possible that a platonic love will captivate you. On the other hand, if you are in a romantic relationship during this period, it is possible to feel completely in love and overlook some whims and delusions of your partner. Financial negotiations, investments and risks are not favored today.


For today, when the Moon will be in Gemini on your 4th, you will have the need to shut yourself up at home in the company of your own people. In general you will tend to get in touch with the most hidden aspects of yourself and you may see some things that you have hidden deep in your subconscious more clearly and with a different perspective related to your family and childhood. At times, especially with the Moon square to Neptune in your 1st, you will be overly emotional, sensitive, melancholic with a tendency to dream in order to escape reality. You may need to take care of a member of your family while in general you will have psychopathic tendencies for anyone who needs help. If you are involved in the arts you will have an increased imagination.

Source: astrology.gr

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