July 4 – what a church holiday, why greed invites trouble

What church holiday is celebrated in Ukraine today according to the new calendar and to whom the believers pray – read in the material of TSN.ua.

Today, July 4, in the Orthodox calendar Memorial Day of St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete. He was born around 660 in Damascus, Syria. According to legend, he was mute until the age of seven, and then received the gift of speech through prayer.

Andrew entered the monastery of St. Sava in Jerusalem, where he gained deep education and spiritual experience. He became known for his deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and patristic literature.

The most famous work of Andrew of Crete is the Great Canon, or the Canon of Repentance, which is read during Lent in the Orthodox Church. It consists of 250 tropars and is one of the largest liturgical works. In addition to the Great Canon, Andrew wrote many other hymns and canons that are used in divine services. In 692, Andrew was appointed Archbishop of Crete. As an archbishop, he took an active part in church life, defended the Orthodox faith and promoted the development of church singing.

He took part in the Sixth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople (681), where he actively opposed Monopheliteism. Saint Andrew died around 740.

The church holiday of July 4 is the day of memory of St. Reverend Martha

Martha was born in Constantinople in a pious Christian family. She was married to Simeon’s father, whose name has not been preserved in history. In marriage, she gave birth to a son, who later became known as Simeon Stovnyk the Younger.

Martha was known for her charitable works, helped the poor and needy, always showed mercy and care for others. She led a deeply prayerful life, constantly turning to God in prayer and fasting. Martha was an example of a Christian woman who was devoted to God and her family.

Martha played a key role in the upbringing of her son Simeon, teaching him Christian virtues, prayer and austerity. Thanks to her spiritual guidance, Simeon became a great saint. She supported Simeon in his decisions and exploits when he chose the path of the pillar (ascetic life on a pillar).

Marta died in old age. Her life and exploits left a deep mark in the Christian tradition.

Signs of the 4th of July

Folk signs on July 4 / Photo: Unsplash

  • A bright rainbow – to heavy rain.
  • There are many berries in the forest – the winter will be cold.
  • Strong thunder – there will be hail.

What can’t be done today

If you are visiting, be sure to take something with you. Greed in visiting will lead to financial problems. It is also forbidden to buy clothes or shoes – this can cause illness.

What can be done today

Ears of oats were already beginning to pour out of the fields. Therefore, the peasants prayed to St. Andrew to get a big harvest. Oatmeal was also prepared for the table.

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