Peking University mathematics genius Wei Shen took the subway’s “S”-shaped route up the stairs and netizens made clever comments | China Life Circle | China

Peking University mathematics genius Wei Shen took the subway’s “S”-shaped route up the stairs and netizens made clever comments | China Life Circle | China
2024-07-05 01:46 China News Group/Beijing 5th

Peking University mathematics genius “Wei Shen” Wei Dongyi was seen by netizens returning to his hometown of Jinan, Shandong Province last month. According to a video circulated online, Wei Dongyi was wearing a simple T-shirt, walking quickly on the streets of Jinan in his unique way, and going up the stairs in a unique “S”-shaped route on the subway, which aroused heated discussions among netizens, saying that he is worthy of being A mathematical genius, even walking is a mathematical phenomenon. In the video, he greets passers-by, and netizens he encounters call him “so happy that I take off.”

According to Shandong Business Daily, on June 21, some netizens photographed Wei Dongyi walking on the streets of Jinan. Some netizens described this windy man as having no interest in the people and things around him and just walking his own path. The video of “Wei Shen” returning to Jinan attracted a lot of praise from netizens, saying that he was as focused on walking as he was studying mathematics. This time he returned to Jinan, it may be the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and he came back to spend the holiday with his family. Wei Shen is the representative of Jinan’s top academics and the pride of Jinan. Many netizens left messages: Welcome “Wei Shen” back to his hometown.

Wei Dongyi was photographed returning to his hometown of Jinan. (Taken from Shandong Business Daily)

Wei Dongyi became popular because of an interview video of “a Peking University mathematics teacher holding three steamed buns” in 2021. In the video, he is holding a bottle of mineral water under his arm. He is dressed simply and has pure eyes. He introduces himself as a “mathematics teacher at Peking University.” As soon as the video came out, it immediately triggered discussions among netizens. Some netizens said that his simple appearance did not look like a teacher from Peking University, and some felt that the teacher might not speak clearly. However, he was soon recognized as Wei Dongyi, the mathematical genius “Wei Shen” who is known as Chen Jingrun’s successor and a rare encounter in decades.

Wei Dongyi was born in 1991. His parents are both professors at Shandong Jianzhu University. His father is a professor of mathematics. He has shown extraordinary talent for mathematics since he was a child. In the second grade of junior high school, he joined the Mathematical Olympiad training team of the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division in advance, and was promoted to the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division without taking the exam one year later. In the first year of high school, he was selected into the national training team for the Mathematics Olympiad and was later recommended to Peking University. In the 2013 Yau Shing-tung Mathematics Competition, he won the Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award; in 2013, he won the Chen Shengshen Gold Medal, the Lin Jiaqiao Gold Medal, and the Xu Baoluan Gold Medal.

IMO, the International Mathematical Olympiad, has always been considered the most valuable competition among the five major subject competitions. Wei Dongyi’s results in the 49th IMO were: all 6 big questions were correct, with full marks. At that time, there were more than 500 top players in the world who participated in the competition. Only three people got perfect scores. Wei Dongyi was one of them. It can be said that he was on top of the world as soon as he debuted.

In 2014, Wei Dongyi graduated from Peking University with honors and received a doctorate from Peking University in 2018. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing International Mathematics Research Center from 2017 to 2019, and stayed at the school as an assistant professor following December 2019. In 2018, at the first Doctoral Forum on Differential Equations held by Fudan University, he became the only winner of the doctoral thesis award. In 2018, he also won the gold medal in the global mathematics competition held by Alibaba.

It is rumored on the Internet that Harvard had given Wei Dongyi a series of exciting preferential treatment, and was even willing to break school rules for Wei Dongyi – directly exempting him from the English test to “rob students”. However, he resolutely stayed at Peking University and completed his master’s degree here. It only took three and a half years to get a doctorate and became an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University.

Wei Dongyi’s S route up the stairs. (Video screenshot)

Regarding some people complaining on the Internet that they think they are “idiots”, Zhang Yonghua, a mathematics teacher at “Weishen” high school in Shantung Normal University, said frankly that Wei Dongyi’s ability to take care of himself is indeed a bit lacking. He is too simple, with a pure heart and thoughts, and everything in his mind. It’s related to mathematics. “People who don’t know him will definitely not understand him, but people who know his inner world will think that he is a genius. If he can calm down and do research, I am sure that within five or six years, he will be shocked. world. I know him so well.”

Dragon Boat Festival subway

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2024-07-05 01:46 China News Group/Beijing 5th

Wei Dongyi, the mathematics genius known as “Wei Shen” from Peking University, was seen by netizens returning to his hometown of Jinan, Shandong Province last month. A video circulating online shows Wei Dongyi wearing a simple T-shirt, walking quickly through the streets of Jinan in his own unique way. He was also seen taking the subway, climbing the stairs in a unique “S”-shaped route, generating heated discussions among netizens. They commented that his mathematical genius shines through, even in his walking style.

According to Shandong Business Daily, some netizens photographed Wei Dongyi walking on the streets of Jinan on June 21. One netizen described him as seemingly uninterested in the people and things around him, simply walking his own path. The video of Wei Shen returning to Jinan was met with praise from netizens. They commented that his focus on walking was as intense as his commitment to mathematics. His return to Jinan was likely for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, allowing him to spend time with family. Wei Shen is a representative of Jinan’s top scholars and a source of pride for the city. Many netizens left messages welcoming him back to his hometown.

Wei Dongyi was photographed returning to his hometown of Jinan. (Taken from Shandong Business Daily)

Wei Dongyi first gained popularity in 2021 following an interview video that showed him as “a Peking University mathematics teacher holding three steamed buns”. In the video, he is carrying a bottle of mineral water under his arm. He is simply dressed with clear eyes. He introduces himself as a “mathematics teacher at Peking University.” This video triggered a wave of discussions among netizens. Some questioned his appearance, claiming it didn’t fit the image of a Peking University teacher. Others commented on his difficulty speaking clearly. However, he was soon recognized as Wei Dongyi, the “Wei Shen” mathematical genius, known as Chen Jingrun’s successor and a rare talent seen only once in decades.

Born in 1991, Wei Dongyi’s parents are both professors at Shandong Jianzhu University; his father is a mathematics professor. Showing exceptional talent in mathematics from a young age, Wei Dongyi joined the Mathematical Olympiad training team at the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division in the second grade of junior high school. A year later, he was promoted to the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division without taking any exams. In the first year of high school, he was selected for the national training team for the Mathematics Olympiad and later recommended to Peking University. In the 2013 Yau Shing-tung Mathematics Competition, he won the Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award. In 2013, he also won the Chen Shengshen Gold Medal, the Lin Jiaqiao Gold Medal, and the Xu Baoluan Gold Medal.

The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is considered the most valuable competition among the five major subject competitions. In the 49th IMO, Wei Dongyi achieved a perfect score, correctly answering all six questions. With over 500 top players from around the world participating, only three participants achieved a perfect score, and Wei Dongyi was one of them. His debut at the competition cemented his place as a world-class mathematician.

Wei Dongyi graduated from Peking University with honors in 2014 and received a doctorate from the same university in 2018. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing International Mathematics Research Center and remained at the school as an assistant professor following December 2019. In 2018, at the first Doctoral Forum on Differential Equations held by Fudan University, he was the sole recipient of the doctoral thesis award. He also won a gold medal in the global mathematics competition organized by Alibaba in the same year.

Rumors circulated online that Harvard had offered Wei Dongyi a series of incentives, going as far as to break school rules to exempt him from the English exam to “recruit” him. However, he resolutely chose to remain at Peking University, where he completed his Master’s degree. He obtained his doctorate in just three and a half years and became an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University.

Wei Dongyi’s S route up the stairs. (Video screenshot)

Regarding criticisms online that Wei Dongyi is “unworldly,” Zhang Yonghua, a mathematics teacher at Wei Dongyi’s high school in Shantung Normal University, candidly stated that Wei Dongyi does indeed lack in self-care skills. Explaining his simple, pure-hearted nature, Zhang Yonghua emphasized that Wei Dongyi’s thoughts are constantly focused on mathematics. While those unfamiliar with him may misunderstand, those who know him understand his genius. Zhang Yonghua is confident that Wei Dongyi will make significant contributions to the field within five to six years. “I know him very well,” he said.

Dragon Boat Festival subway

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Wei Dongyi: The Mathematical Genius of China

Wei Dongyi, a mathematics genius nicknamed “Wei Shen” by the Chinese internet, is making headlines once once more. This time, it’s not for his remarkable mathematical abilities, but for his unique way of navigating the world.

Return to Jinan

Last month, netizens spotted Wei Dongyi returning to his hometown of Jinan, Shandong Province. Videos surfaced online showing him walking quickly down the streets in his usual simple T-shirt, and taking the subway with a peculiar “S” shaped ascent up the stairs. These seemingly mundane actions sparked heated discussions online, with many praising the mathematical brilliance behind even his simple movements.

According to reports from Shandong Business Daily, Wei Dongyi’s return to Jinan coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, suggesting he might have come back to spend time with his family. The video of his homecoming was met with a wave of positive comments from netizens who expressed their admiration for his focus and their delight at his return.

A Rising Star in Mathematics

Wei Dongyi’s fame initially arose from a 2021 interview video where he was seen holding three steamed buns, simply dressed and carrying a bottle of mineral water. While some found his appearance and simple manner of speaking unusual for a Peking University professor, his extraordinary mathematical talent soon became evident.

Born in 1991, Wei Dongyi inherited his love for mathematics from his father, a mathematics professor at Shandong Jianzhu University. His prodigious talent emerged at an early age.

  • He joined the Mathematical Olympiad training team of the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division while still in junior high.
  • He skipped a grade and was admitted to the High School Affiliated to the Mountain Division without taking the entrance exams.
  • He was selected for the national training team for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in his first year of high school.

In 2013, Wei Dongyi achieved spectacular results in several prestigious competitions, including:

  • The Yau Shing-tung Mathematics Competition (Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award)
  • The Chen Shengshen Gold Medal
  • The Lin Jiaqiao Gold Medal
  • The Xu Baoluan Gold Medal

A Triumphant Debut

Wei Dongyi’s performance at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) further solidified his position as a mathematical prodigy. In the 49th IMO, he achieved a perfect score by solving all six problems correctly. He was one of only three participants worldwide to attain a perfect score in this demanding competition, which attracts over 500 top performers from across the globe.

Academic Success and Recognition

Wei Dongyi continued his academic journey, graduating with honors from Peking University in 2014 and earning a doctorate in 2018.

  • He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Beijing International Mathematics Research Center from 2017 to 2019 and stayed on as an assistant professor following that.
  • He won the only Doctoral Thesis Award at the first Doctoral Forum on Differential Equations held by Fudan University in 2018.
  • He also won the gold medal in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition in 2018.

A Choice to Stay

Rumors spread online regarding Harvard University offering Wei Dongyi a lucrative opportunity, even reportedly willing to waive their English language requirements to secure his enrollment. However, he made the decision to remain at Peking University, completing his master’s degree and earning a doctorate within three and a half years. He subsequently accepted a position as an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University.

Beyond the Genius

While Wei Dongyi’s mathematical prowess is undeniable, his personality and simple lifestyle are often the subject of discussion. Some have expressed concern regarding his apparent lack of social skills or everyday life skills, suggesting that he is too focused on mathematics to engage with the complexities of everyday interactions.

Zhang Yonghua, a mathematics teacher at Wei Dongyi’s former high school, Shantung Normal University, acknowledged his student’s unique characteristics. He explained that Wei Dongyi’s simple nature, pure heart, and unwavering focus on mathematics occasionally lead him to be perceived as lacking social skills. However, Zhang emphasized that those who understand Wei Dongyi’s inner world recognize him as a true genius. With his unwavering dedication, Zhang believes Wei Dongyi is poised to achieve groundbreaking results in the field of mathematics in the coming years.

A Visionary Mind

Wei Dongyi stands as a testament to the potential of brilliance and the dedication required to reach the highest levels of achievement. His story inspires awe and wonder, leaving the world to wonder what remarkable discoveries and contributions he will make in the realm of mathematics.

As Wei Dongyi continues his pursuit of knowledge within the academic community, his journey offers a glimpse into the world of intellectual giants and the unwavering dedication required to achieve extraordinary things.







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