The bill on private insurance against natural disasters was passed – 2024-07-05 17:42:03

The draft law of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection “Private insurance once morest natural disasters, state aid and protection, housing assistance, provisions for the Fire Brigade and other provisions” was voted by the plenary session of the Parliament. The ND voted “yes” on the principle of the bill, while the opposition parties voted “no”.

Along with the bill, the following were also voted on:

– the amendment of the Ministry of Health which foresees – among other things – the extension of the possibility of needy and uninsured hemodialysis patients to go to private hemodialysis units and for EOPYY to pay their expenses, but also the assignment of nursing and other – except doctors – staff who participates in the various processes of the ASEP, (“yes” the ND, “present” SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE, the New Left, and Freedom Sailing, “no” the Hellenic Solution, Niki and KO Spartans)

– the amendment of the Ministry of Development which foresees a significant increase in the fines for the violation of the provisions of the ceiling and for the violation of the provisions on the prohibition of promotional activities when there has been an increase in price (“yes” ND and SYRIZA, “present” PASOK, the KKE , the Hellenic Solution, the New Left, Freedom Sailing and KO Spartans, “no” Victory) and

– the amendment which provides – among other things – for the granting of aid to businesses and agricultural holdings with economic losses in areas affected by extensive natural disasters (“yes” by ND, SYRIZA and PASOK, “no” by KKE and KO Spartans , “present” the Greek Solution, the New Left, Victory and Freedom Sailing.

The present Deputy Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Chr. Triandopoulos said that the government’s legislative initiative shapes the field of cooperation for the development of private insurance once morest natural disasters so that it goes hand in hand with State Aid, and with the state closely monitoring all developments. It is an initiative, noted Mr. Triandopoulos, which is part of a legislative trilogy in order to complete the institutional framework governing support and restoration following a natural disaster through adaptation to the new circumstances, which puts into practice the philosophy we have consolidated with frequent presence in the field and cooperation with the citizens from the first moment, i.e. aid from the state reaches as quickly as possible to all those who are entitled to it following a natural disaster.

The member of parliament for Pella and secretary of the SYRIZA-PS committee, Th. Tzakri, noted that, while Greek taxpayers pay heavily to have a worthy and effective tripartite of armed forces, security forces and firefighting, the government acts as an instrument of the funds by handing over the properties of the Greeks in their speculative appetites, while the parliamentary representative of the main opposition party, N. Pappas, spoke regarding the extension of the reduced VAT rate on baby milk and take away coffee: “Well, according to the government’s philosophy, the reduced VAT passes to the consumer when we talk regarding coffee and baby milk but it doesn’t pass when we talk regarding meat and dairy products”.

“We are opposed to the policy of privatizing the public sector and burdening citizens with additional costs in the philosophy of individual responsibility,” said PASOK’s Argolis MP, A. Poulas.

The bill gives new privileges to the “crows” of the insurance companies who have been lurking for years to get their hands on the people’s income, said the KKE member of parliament, K. Metaxas.

With the bill, you are trying to abdicate your responsibilities, your inadequacy and your frivolity and transfer your responsibilities to the citizens, said the MP of Hellenic Solution, M. Athanasiou.

The MP of the New Left, P. Perka, spoke regarding the inaction of the government in the face of the effects of the climate crisis and the transfer of responsibility to the citizens.

We vote once morest the legislation because it does not promote the interest of the citizen, but on the contrary they make him unnecessarily responsible due to the inability of the state to protect him, said Niki MP, K. Delveroudis.

The bill is problematic because it withdraws the role of the state from vital areas of providing protection and reparation of damages for large categories of the population, said the parliamentarian of Plefsis Eleftherias, Al. Almanac.

Finally, the member of parliament of KO Spartiates P. Dimitriadis said that the bill is piecemeal and does not cover the basic problems of dealing with natural disasters.

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