“Interesting to contribute”: MK Zvi Sukot asked to enlist in the IDF already during the recess period

As published in “Israel Today”: MK Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism) is working to cancel the exemption given to him from serving in the IDF, in order to enlist in the IDF in the coming weeks.

Kidnapped families confronted MK Zvi Sukkot “Should my son pay with his life?” (Archive) // Oren Ben Hakon

About a month ago, MK Sukkot turned to the legal advice of the Knesset in order to find out the legal options before him when he enlists in the IDF.

In a meeting held between him and the legal counsel, it was explained to him that his request was being reviewed, with the aim of canceling the exemption given to him in the past and allowing him to enlist in the IDF during the summer break of the Knesset.

As I recall, MK Sukkot was not drafted into the IDF due to the expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005. After that, Sukkot tried to cancel the exemption given to him and enlist in the IDF, but for years the IDF refused to cancel it. MK Sukkot now hopes that the war has changed the IDF’s approach on this issue as well, and that the army will signal to recruit him.

MK Zvi Sukkot (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

MK Zvi Sukkot said: “Our proof is expressed when everyone looks at themselves and thinks what they can contribute more to the effort to defeat our enemies. In addition to my work as a member of the Knesset, I am also interested in contributing to the military track, which for years I was unable to take part in. This is not the first time I have tried to cancel the exemption given to me following the expulsion from Gush Katif, but I hope that this time the army will not take my request lightly and allow me to serve in the army.”

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