Do you want to quit smoking? We tell you how to do it

Quitting smoking is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either.There are many ways to end this bad habit that causes so much harm in the world. However, the most important thing to achieve this is to have the desire to stop smoking.

Smoking continuously creates a bad habit or even addiction due to nicotine.destroys health by acting on the central system, and can even cause lung cancer, many diseases and even death.

Reasons to quit smoking

The habitual smoker experiences withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, dry cough, fatigue, tiredness, headache, nausea, aphonia, loss of smell, dependence, sores, ulcers, constipation, vertigo, pulse changes, respiratory arrest, collapse and various effects on the body.

In addition, stained teeth, dental plaque, bad breath, dull skin, premature skin aging, increases the risk of psoriasis, among other ailments; if these are not sufficient reasons to quit smoking, lung cancer and death should be compelling reasons to make a definitive decision.

Consequently, smoking can cause all of the above in both the active and passive smoker. However, the effects on the active smoker are: nicotine addiction, premature birth, low birth weight, diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory or pulmonary diseases, diabetes, infertility, erectile dysfunction, aging, disability, impact on the environment and destruction of health or premature death.


Quitting smoking results in the reduction of all the above effectsimproves circulation and breathing by eliminating nicotine from the lungs, generates energy, appreciation of human life, better breath, economic savings, better physical appearance, environmental conservation and a better life quality.

To do?

Commitment and willpower play an important role when deciding to quit smoking.think of all the bad it causes and weigh up all the good that can be achieved.

If you have decided to quit smoking, it is suggested that you use different resources such as a reminder or diary to plan your days and from time to time tell yourself to drink water, for example, to avoid anxiety; try to keep your mind busy as much as possible. Plan activities just for those moments when you are most likely to smoke.

Tell your family, friends and coworkers regarding your decision so they can help and understand you, especially when you are in a bad mood, for example.

Make some changes to your lifestyle. A good idea is to eat three large meals a day, start eating 5 or 6 small meals to avoid anxiety attacks caused by going for many hours without eating.

Include physical activity in your routines. Walking, riding a bike and even dancing can be an alternative that helps you fill your time, clear your mind and forget regarding cigarettes.

Home remedies to quit smoking

– Drinking valerian tea helps reduce nerves and keep you calm.

– Chewing ginger root or drinking an infusion cleanses the body, eliminates toxins and reduces anxiety.

– Ginseng has multiple benefits such as releasing dopamine, which is activated by nicotine and reduces the pleasurable sensation of cigarette smoking.

– Cayenne pepper has antioxidant properties that reduce cravings and the effects of cigarettes.

– Apply essential oils such as lavender to your wrists and inhale the aroma as often as you wish to relax.

Other recommendations

– Drink plenty of water and fluids to hydrate the body and counteract withdrawal symptoms.

– Chewing sugarless gum helps calm anxiety and sucking reflux.

– Performing any physical activity or exercise helps to secrete adrenaline and endorphins to eliminate nicotine.

– Avoid alcohol, coffee or drugs.

– Drink fruit juice.

– Maintain a balanced diet.

– Yoga, meditation and body massages are good alternatives to help people quit smoking.

– Avoid factors that trigger the urge to smoke.

– Try nicotine replacement therapy.

– Seek help from medical professionals for guidance and medication if necessary.

#quit #smoking
2024-07-05 06:39:10



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