Totschnig Wins Best Drinking Pass Submission Award 2024

2024-07-05 06:03:07

HLW Marienberg from Bregenz won with a song he wrote himself

Vienna(OTS) For the 15th time, Austrian schoolchildren are being asked to get creative in the “My Drinking Pass” school competition. “I am impressed that more than 13,000 students from all over Austria participated in our drinking pass event this year and made a very creative contribution. For me it is important to involve young people Water is an important resource and its protection. “Water issues will become increasingly important in the coming years, which is why raising awareness among the youngest and youngest is very important to me,” supply Water Minister Norbert Torchnigg feast.

“Good water, good things” is this year’s motto, prompting children and teenagers to think regarding their daily water consumption. Many drawings and image collections were submitted as well as short videos and self-written songs. Submissions illustrate how children and young people see water as a resource: from refreshing thirst-quenching water, watercolor painting, to splashing water or as water for an aquarium – their imaginations are limitless.

Water – an undervalued resource
Water is the most important source of life for humans, animals and plants. Our daily lives require an average of 130 liters of water per day for drinking, cooking, washing or home and garden use. Most of our water is used in bathrooms and kitchens, followed by toilets and showers. In addition, we also use large amounts of water to produce goods and food, so-called virtual water. Many people are unaware of the amount of water we consume every day, which means we often dispose of it carelessly. So it’s even more important to raise awareness, which we’ve been doing for 15 years with Drink Passes.

The winning entry comes from Vorarlberg for the first time
The 2nd HLB of the HLW (Higher School of Economics) from Bregenz in Vorarlberg won the title “Sieg Trinkpass 2024” throughout Austria with a water rap that he composed and sang. An exciting day in the park, this long trip is supported by the cantonal water department of Vorarlberg.

Drinking Pass Program
The drinking pass is implemented through a long-term program sponsorship between the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regional and Water Management (BML), the water youth platform Generation Blue and AQA, and is supported by the Austrian Gas and Water Industry Association (ÖVGW) As well as regional water suppliers from the Trieste Valley Water Supply Association in Upper Styria via Graz Holding, Wels (eww) and for the first time services are provided by Innsbruck (IKB).

For more information, see:

Questions and contact details:

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Territory and Water Management
+43 1 71100 DW 606747

#Totschnig #Wins #Drinking #Pass #Submission #Award



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