Instagram and TikTok, the preferred networks for young people in Puerto Ordaz to consume information

56% of young people, aged between 16 and 27 and residing in Puerto Ordaz, consume information or communicate more through social networks and spend more than two hours a day on this. The preferred social network for 38% of respondents is Instagram, followed by TikTok (18.5%), YouTube (16%) and X (12.75%).

The data comes from the most recent study conducted by the Research Coordination of the School of Social Communication of UCAB Guayana, whose objective was to know and analyze the communication consumption habits of young people of these ages with the intention of understanding the communication trends of a new generation of Venezuelans.

The background of the research offers a characterization that facilitates the analysis. Previous investigations specified that the younger generations have a tendency towards cell phones and any screen with internet and interconnected by social networks – mainly with acquaintances and friends – and that they spend up to five hours a day consuming information on these platforms. They also shed light on the contrast: few verify the information that reaches them. However, they are interested in staying up to date on what is happening in their environment.

The conclusions of these previous investigations respond to a context of increasingly interconnected globalization to which new social platforms (such as TikTok) and communication (influencers). However, the Venezuelan communication reality does not fully respond to global trends due to the closure of media by Conatel, censorship and self-censorship, as well as limitations in internet connectivity and website blocking.

To achieve the general objective, the researchers considered three specific objectives: 1. Identify the main media and spokespersons for consumption by this delimited population; 2. Determine what communication content they consume; and 3. Investigate how they verify the information they consume.

The results were obtained following applying a survey, validated by experts in research and communication, to a sample of 400 young people in Puerto Ordaz. The results are grouped into three main groups: media trends and consumption platforms, content they consume and verification strategies.

Low interest in radio and traditional media

Although one of the main attributes of radio has been, for decades, its immediacy, 42.5% of those surveyed do not listen to any radio station for information or entertainment. However, of the 41.5% who do listen to the radio, the majority opt for La Mega 88.9 (16%), Líder 100.3 (12%) and Festiva 99.9 (11%).

The trend in radio is similar to that of traditional print media. 40.75% of respondents do not consult these media in any of their forms (website or social network).

Regarding content, there is greater acceptance and active search for entertainment pieces (98.5% of respondents seek entertainment through communication channels), with the most popular themes being social (24.75%), personal care (23.75%) and comedy (18.5%).

The study also debunks the myth that young people are not interested in getting informed: 85.5% of those surveyed seek information regarding general events, but the sources or topics of interest vary. Most of them opt for news related to technology (24.5%), followed by general news (21.25%) and current events (19.5%).

Despite the low preference for traditional media, the research demystifies the idea that “young people do not read.” Beyond the genres they may or may not consume, 46.5% of respondents said they do read books always or frequently. Only 6% confirmed that they never read books in any format (digital or physical).

“Reliable” sources with some contrast

For the purposes of this research, the School of Social Communication considered it important to inquire regarding the quality of the information that young people consult from the point of view of information verification or contrast. The majority claims that their method for curating information is by consulting “reliable sources” (60.25%); however, these sources are not specified and the proportion contrasts with the 40% who do not consult accurate media.

16% of respondents said they use cross-checking sources or media to verify the content they consume. 7.5% of respondents (30 people in the sample) do not use any verification method.

Another form of information curation is consulting journalistic verification units; however, 48% of those surveyed do not know the media that combat disinformation inside and outside the country. Among those who do consult these verification portals are: Firefly Effect (20.25%), Venezuelan Observatory of Fake News (18.5%) and EsPaja (8.55). Other portals and proposals such as Cotejo.Info, Cazadores de Fake News, Chequeado, Newtral or the simple Google search engine obtained 1% or less.

Given the context of censorship and blocking of web portals in Venezuela, it was considered pertinent to ask whether VPNs were known or used as a method of digital protection, which allows access to certain blocked portals. 210 (52.5%) of those surveyed do use VPNs on their phone or computer; while 142 respondents, which is equal to 35.5%, do not use them. The remaining 12% (48 respondents) do not know what a VPN is.

Empathy as the main emotion of connection

The instrument included two questions that shed light on the emotions that generate connection among young people, followed by another question related to promotional content. This provides clues regarding the type of content that brands and companies can produce to reach new generations.

On an emotional level, empathy is the main emotion that generates connection among young people with 29.75% (119 of those surveyed), followed by content that focuses on motivation with 28% (112 respondents). Other emotions specified in the survey were selected below 10% (recognition, nostalgia and acceptance, for example).

The most consumed promotional content is that related to clothing and footwear (32.25%), followed by food establishments (12.25%) and technology products (12%).

99.25% of those surveyed said they go to the cinema and although the preference for genres is not absolute, although they show a preference for comedy proposals, more than half (56%) confirmed that they go to the cinema at least once a month.

How do we interpret this?

It is indisputable that the trend towards visual content reigns, considering that the main platform for consuming information or content is Instagram, followed by TikTok. This means not only considering these social networks as the main methods of dissemination, but also that there must be an understanding of the trends and languages ​​specific to each platform.

The idea that young people in Puerto Ordaz do not read, whether in digital or physical format, is demystified. The research shows that the majority of respondents read regularly, but further studies are needed on the genres and topics of interest in this reading, as well as its sources and consumption platforms.

The idea that young people are not informed or do not seek information is also disproved. More than 80% of those surveyed seek information, but they respond to areas of personal interest that, for the most part, are far removed from politics, rather they prefer technology, events and general happenings.

However, according to the study, there is no connection with regional or national media, so it is worth investigating this, especially because their sources of information are “reliable sources”, but knowledge of verification portals is limited, according to the findings of the research, so the quality of the information they receive and consume is called into question.

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2024-07-05 02:15:07



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