APULA: “ULA’s university elections will depend largely on what happens on July 28”

By: Karen Briceño ECS

Dr. Virgilio Castillo, president of the ULA Professors Association (APULA) and the Teachers’ Prevention Institute (IPP), visited the Trujillo Nucleus to report on the current situation of the university elections and the need for a change of direction for the university, the actions undertaken regarding the salary situation of university students and the progress made in the proposals for the university of the future.

Presidential elections vs university elections

Regarding the political panorama of the country just days before the presidential elections and its direct relationship with the process of electing ULA authorities, Castillo stated: “We know that the national political situation has a great influence on the university issue. ULA’s university elections will depend largely on what happens on July 28which is why we aspire to a change in the political model in the country, seeking to advance from democracy and peace.”

“So far there is no answer regarding the university elections”

Castillo assured that following the presidential elections on July 28, there is the possibility of starting a discussion process to finally allow the elections of ULA authorities to be carried out, according to information provided by the Rector of ULA, Mario Bonucci, based on a conversation held with Vice President Delcy Rodríguez. However, he clarified that there is no certainty and that this is just a comment.

“There is a need for a change of direction towards the projection of a self-sustaining university, focused on the development of the Andean region and the generation of its own resources because the university is not only an organization where classes are given, it is also research and extension. We will continue working and strengthening this change of direction that we propose towards the university of the future while waiting for the issue of the date of our elections to be finally resolved, at some point.”

On Uland autonomy and governance

When asked regarding the impact on university autonomy of the suspension by the TSJ of the process of choosing new academic authorities, the president of APULA stated: “University elections should be the responsibility of the university itself, however, we have seen how the Supreme Court of Justice has been creating sentences to promote the suspension of these elections, on repeated occasions for 10 years. Last year we made and presented an electoral regulation similar to that of the Central University of Venezuela, they were allowed to hold the elections and we were not, in such a way that The electoral issue of the university is no longer legal, it is political.”

Health programs that serve teachers

During Dr. Castillo’s visit, the launch of a Health Care Program for Teachers residing in Trujillo capital through Specialized Consultations was coordinated in the coming weeks, since teachers in Valera already have this service thanks to an agreement with the Trujillo State Anticancer Society (SADET).

Castillo emphasized that in Trujillo it is necessary to strengthen the health programs that serve the teaching staff through agreements such as the one being generated with SADET, which would even allow for extending this care to the rest of the university staff and their families under special conditions. “We hope that the Trujillo Section of APULA can make this happen so that we can formally announce it,” he concluded.

NURR professorial procedures depend less on ULA Mérida

He also mentioned that measures are being implemented to simplify the procedures and processes that the professors of the Trujillo Nucleus of the ULA must carry out through “decentralization” measures that allow the members to depend less on the administration of the ULA in Mérida when managing their academic work.

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2024-07-04 17:24:08



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