Air conditioning technicians trained for the San Alberto district

Asuncion, IP Agency.- A group of 30 residents from the district of San Alberto, in the department of Alto Paraná, are participating in a course on the installation and repair of air conditioners, taught by the National System of Vocational Training and Capacity Building (Sinafocal).

In response to the labour market demand for air conditioning installers and repairers in the San Alberto area, 30 residents are currently in the process of learning the techniques for assembling the equipment, its main components and operation, as well as the most frequent cases of breakdowns and the possible solutions to be proposed.

The course taught by Sinafocal seeks the job insertion of beneficiaries, personal and district economic growth through an active workforce, with quality and guaranteed service for customers.

This initiative to train and develop middle management professionals strengthens this predominantly agricultural community, known and characterized by the name of “Capital of Agriculture.”

#Air #conditioning #technicians #trained #San #Alberto #district
2024-07-04 13:52:16



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