“Celine Dion is one in a million.” How the 56-year-old singer is fighting an incurable rare disease – stiff-muscle syndrome

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Recently, a documentary regarding the famous Canadian singer Celine Dion was released, in which the singer talked regarding her life and where she talked regarding her rare disease, which occurs one in a million – “stiff muscle syndrome”.

Celine Dion (Yandex)

Greetings to you, friends, subscribers and guests of the 9111 website!

I’ll start with the video right away. So that you understand what kind of attacks these are and what’s happening to the singer.

What kind of syndrome is this?

This is a very rare disease associated with the autoimmune system. It manifests itself in muscle spasms, their stiffness, which limits a person’s movements.

One to two people in a million suffer from this disease. Singer Celine Dion is among this rare number.

This disease occurs at any age, but still more often following 50 years. Spasms begin in the back, stomach and neck, and then move to the face and limbs. Then the whole body can become paralyzed.

The attacks are uncontrollable and occur at any time. They can be triggered by both fatigue and a loud sound. But during sleep the attacks stop.

In the video regarding Celine, you can see how spasms are paralyzing her face. She can’t move her limbs, speak or move at all. All this causes incredible pain to the star.

The disease is not curable. But you can support the person. There are already certain measures that help, albeit a little, but ease the attacks.

These are muscle stretching exercises, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage. Medication – painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Here’s another Celine Dion video from YouTube.

What the singer herself says now:

“I still see myself dancing and singing. If I can’t run, I’ll walk. If I can’t walk, I’ll crawl. But I won’t stop.”

For reference: Celine Dion’s biggest hit and the most popular song of the late 1990s was the song from the film Titanic, “My Heart Will Go On.”

Let’s wish the singer to overcome her illness and still delight us with her songs.

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