War in Ukraine: Russian army reaches second defensive line in Donbass but suffers significant losses

LRussia continues to advance in Donbas, leveraging their diversionary tactic in the Kharkiv direction. After the fall of Avdiivka in mid-February, Ukraine withdrew westward, establishing multiple lines of fortifications. The Russian army successfully breached the first of these lines at the end of April in the vicinity of Ocheretyn, west of Avdiivka, according to The voice of the North.

Since then, the Russian army has gradually gained new territory. The Ukrainian army deployed its 47th Mechanized Brigade to impede this advance, but the outcome seemed inevitable. Recent days have witnessed the capture of several villages, including Novopokrovské on Tuesday, and the Russian army now stands before the second Ukrainian line of defense.

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Russia suffers heavy losses

« Russian Army Group Center has come into contact with the 2nd Ukrainian line of defense towards Pokrovskobserves on X @Escortert, a reliable observer of the conflict. It is located at the foot of the walls of Toretsk, Chasiv Yar and Siversk. “, three key cities for controlling Donbass, a region Vladimir Putin is determined to conquer. In mid-June, he declared that this second defensive line should be “ the stop line, otherwise Donbass will fall ».

The fighting is fierce and Russian casualties are heavy. According to Ukrainian assessments, the ratio of human losses (killed and wounded) is 3 to 1 in favor of the Ukrainians. The ratio of material losses is 2.5 to 1, once more favoring Ukraine. This observation is not surprising: attackers generally suffer heavier losses than defenders. However, Russia is also paying dearly for their shortage of armored vehicles.

For weeks, Russian infantry have been advancing on foot or on motorcycles. Russian soldiers are therefore attacking with little protection and limited offensive equipment. Footage captured in the village of Novooleksandriivka, four kilometers northwest of Ocheretyne, in recent days shows Russian troops being severely hit by Ukrainian tanks at close range. Russian infantrymen appear to be lacking anti-tank weapons », notes @Escortert.

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Nearly 200 attacks recorded

The current Russian offensive is the most significant since February 22, 2022. On Tuesday, July 2, 189 ground attacks were recorded, a new high. Two thirds of these attacks occurred in the Donbas region compared to only 10% in the Kharkiv region. To carry out this offensive towards Pokrovsk, concentrated over a few dozen kilometers, the Russian army relies on the 30th, 55th, 74th and 137th brigades. Opposing them, the Ukrainian army has deployed several mechanized brigades (the 23rd, 47th, 31st and 110th) and a number of infantry brigades.

The Russians’ aim is to reach the strategic city of Pokrovsk, a Ukrainian army logistics hub located 30 km west of Ocheretyne. The Russian army also intends to sever the highway connecting Pokrovsk to Chasiv Yar, disrupting the logistics of this city struggling once morest Russian attacks. The Russian army claimed on Wednesday, July 3, the capture of a district within Pokrovsk, located on the east bank of the canal serving as a natural fortification for the Ukrainian army.

Russia’s Advance in Donbas: A Second Line of Defense and Heavy Losses

LRussia continues to advance in Donbas, taking advantage of its diversion in the direction of Kharkiv. After the fall of Avdiivka in mid-February, Ukraine had retreated further west behind several lines of fortifications. The Russian army managed to break through the first of these lines at the end of April at the town of Ocheretyn, west of Avdiivka, reports The voice of the North.

The Russian army has since nibbled away at new territory. The Ukrainian army deployed its 47th Mechanized Brigade to delay this advance, but it seemed inevitable. In recent days, new villages have been conquered, such as Novopokrovské on Tuesday, and the Russian army now finds itself in front of the second Ukrainian line of defense.

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Russia suffers heavy losses

« Russian Army Group Center has come into contact with the 2nd Ukrainian line of defense towards Pokrovskobserves on X @Escortert, reliable observer of the conflict. It is located at the foot of the walls of Toretsk, Chasiv Yar and Siversk. “, three key cities for the control of Donbass, this region that Vladimir Putin absolutely wants to conquer. In mid-June, he indicated that this second defensive line should be “ the stop line, otherwise Donbass will fall ».

The fighting there is fierce and the Russian losses are brutal. According to Ukrainian observations, the ratio of human losses (killed and wounded) is 3 to 1 in favor of the Ukrainians. The ratio of material losses is 2.5 to 1, once more in favor of Ukraine. This observation is not surprising: the attacker suffers more losses than the defender. But Russia also pays dearly for its shortage of armored vehicles.

For several weeks now, Russian infantrymen have been marching to the front on foot or on motorcycles. The Russian soldiers are thus attacking without protection, and with little offensive equipment. Footage filmed in the village of Novooleksandriivka, four kilometers northwest of Ocheretyne, in recent days shows Russians being hit hard by Ukrainian tanks almost at point-blank range. Russian infantrymen appear to be lacking anti-tank weapons », note @Escortert.

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Nearly 200 attacks recorded

The current Russian offensive is the most significant launched since February 22, 2022. On Tuesday, July 2, 189 ground attacks were recorded, a record. Two thirds of them occurred in the Donbass region compared to only 10% in the Kharkiv region. To carry out this offensive towards Pokrovsk, concentrated over a few dozen kilometers, the Russian army can count on the 30th, 55th, 74th and 137th brigades. Opposite, the Ukrainian army has engaged several mechanized brigades (the 23rd, 47th, 31st and 110th) and several other infantry brigades.

The Russians’ objective is to reach the strategic city of Pokrovsk, a logistics center of the Ukrainian army located 30 km west of Ocheretyne. The Russian army also wants to cut the highway that connects Pokrovsk to Chasiv Yar to cut off the logistics of this city that is barely resisting Russian attacks. The Russian army also claimed this Wednesday, July 3, the capture of a first district of this city, located on the east bank of the canal that serves as a natural fortification for the Ukrainian army.

The Importance of Pokrovsk

Pokrovsk holds significant strategic importance for both Russia and Ukraine. Its capture would allow Russia to further advance westward and potentially cut off Ukrainian supply lines. The city serves as a crucial logistics hub for Ukrainian forces operating in the Donbas region. Additionally, controlling Pokrovsk would bolster Russia’s control over the Donbas region and bring them closer to achieving their broader war aims.

Ukraine’s Defense

Ukrainian forces are determined to defend Pokrovsk and prevent its capture. They have deployed a significant number of troops, including mechanized and infantry brigades, to reinforce their defensive lines. Ukrainian forces are utilizing a combination of tactics, including defensive fortifications, artillery strikes, and counterattacks, to resist the Russian advance.

Challenges for the Ukrainian Defense

The Ukrainian defense forces face several challenges in their efforts to defend Pokrovsk. The Russian army is employing a relentless strategy, launching a high volume of assaults and exploiting its numerical advantage in artillery. The Ukrainian army is facing a shortage of armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons, making it difficult to effectively counter Russian attacks, particularly in open terrain. Moreover, the Ukrainian army is struggling to maintain its logistics chains due to Russian attacks targeting critical infrastructure.

The Implications for the War

The outcome of the battle for Pokrovsk will be crucial for the overall course of the war. If Russia succeeds in capturing Pokrovsk, it will significantly enhance its military position in the Donbas region and potentially open up a new front towards the west. Conversely, if Ukraine defends Pokrovsk, it will likely delay and possibly derail Russia’s offensive plans and preserve its vital logistics lines in the east.

The war in Ukraine continues to be a challenging and complex conflict with significant implications for the region and the world. As the battle for Pokrovsk unfolds, it is crucial to monitor the situation closely and understand its potential consequences.



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