“Profit for you, but crap for us!” – Josvainiai residents oppose the biomethane production company | Business

However, the designers did not avoid confrontation with local residents, although it seems that they tried. And the confrontation was very unpleasant: the inhabitants of the source of the stench do not want it, and the regional government, seeing such resistance from the people, also has no choice but to say a clear “no” to the businessmen as well.

What activities are planned?

The planned economic activity will be carried out on an agricultural plot in the village of Šingalių. The location of the planned economic activity is regarding 4.2 km away from the city of Kėdainiai. Access to the plot from the regional road Mantviloniai–Plaktiniai–Paliepiai, which is accessed from the regional road Aristava–Kėdainiai–Cinkiškiai.

The nearest residential houses are less than 300 meters away from the future factory.

Biogas production should be carried out in three 7.5 thousand in fermenters with a capacity of cubic meters. The produced biogas would be cleaned at the gas treatment station, compressed and supplied to AB “Amber Grid” main gas pipeline networks.

It is planned to produce up to 486 Nm³ of purified biogas per hour on average. During the year, it is planned to produce and supply up to 4.26 million Nm³ of purified biogas.

The raw material for biogas production would be agricultural waste: animal manure (cow manure and slurry, a possible alternative is pig slurry), biodegradable waste of plant origin (beet roots, cuttings), energy crops (straw, straw).

About 15 tons of manure, 22 tons of beet roots and regarding 11 tons of straw would be needed per year. The raw materials would be delivered from the surrounding farms and companies by heavy machinery. The manure would be transported in specially designed covered trailers, and the slurry would be transported in tanker trucks, in the same way that farmers transport manure and slurry to fertilize the surrounding fields. Liquid raw materials brought in by tankers would be immediately pumped into the mixing tank. The raw materials of the solid fraction are poured directly into the mixing tanks.

During the meeting with residents in the municipality, the authors of the project explained that there will not be any negative impact on the residents. He assured that neither air pollution, nor noise, nor odors will exceed the norms, because they say that the result of their production will have only 20 percent. the smell of real manure. The designers explained that their object will not smell.

Bring manure, hay and beet roots 9 times a day

Without telling the dry information, it turned out that 9 tractors carrying manure, beet roots or straw in tanks will drive to the factory every happy working day. True, when asked where the raw materials will come from, the authors of the project tried to hide some of the information.

“We bring from Kėdainiai district, surrounding farms. We have concluded preliminary contracts with “Laufriza” for manure and slurry and with farmer Saulius Dambrauskas for vegetable waste,” said designer Nerijus Lukoševičius, and when asked where he will get the root crops, he did not answer the question.

Eglė Kuktiene’s photo. / Designer Nerijus Lukoševičius said that raw materials will be transported from Kėdainiai district and surrounding farms.

Even several times during the meeting, the question was raised regarding the beet roots and where they will be obtained from, but the designers remained silent as if their mouths were watering, until they finally admitted at the end of the meeting that they had a preliminary contract with “Nordic Sugar” as well.

And what happens when the sugar factory washes beets, everyone from Kėdainiai knows – the smell lingers all day long.

“We already have a lot of odor pollution in the area. And now you want to load more fragrance on top. Why did you choose this particular location? Why didn’t you choose the Industrial district? At least you would choose a place where all the smells would be blown away from the city. And with us, everything is done so that the stench goes to the city through Keleriškii”, said the representative of the Keleriškii eldership.

The authors of the project explained that the shareholder owned the plot in that location, and the plot meets all the requirements. The most important thing is that there is a gas pipeline right next to it, and the branch in the Pramonė district is said to be unsuitable.

After people started saying they didn’t want another source of stench and slurry recycling under their windows, one of the project representatives said that that manure is now settling in people’s wells.

Residents are angry that they didn’t know anything, the designers are accused of cheating

The vice mayor of Kėdainiai, Danutė Mykolaitienė, said that the designers have also lied, and more than once.

“You mentioned that you spoke with the owners of all the neighboring homesteads, and there are consents. But none of those people know, there are no consents.

They didn’t know anything regarding the 260 meter distant homesteads! After seeing the announcement, they came to the municipality asking if it is common sense here to see slurry tanks appearing next to a well-kept homestead,” said the vice-mayor.

Eglė Kuktiene's photo.  / Kėdainiai Vice Mayor Danutė Mykolaitienė said that the designers have also lied, and more than once

Eglė Kuktiene’s photo. / Kėdainiai Vice Mayor Danutė Mykolaitienė said that the designers have also lied, and more than once

Not only that, according to the vice mayor, the designers provided incorrect information regarding the project’s publicity. Although N. Lukoševičius said that the announcement regarding the planned meeting with residents appeared according to procedures, when the information was presented on the website of the municipality, the vice mayor said that this was not true.

“Be honest – not then. Not then. Tell me when the ad appeared,” she urged, but the authors of the project did not answer the question.

A member of the district council, Adelė Štelmokienė, said that she saw that the posted advertisement generally contained incorrect information.

“Your publicity notice is up and says the meeting will be at 4 p.m. remotely. I have an ad following taking a photo. You deceived people,” said the council member. The meeting was held an hour earlier in the meeting hall of the municipal council and remotely.

Residents also did not believe that the company would bring raw materials only from a few farms.

“You don’t grind us, for such quantities, nine tractors every sweet day, a few Laufriza cows will not be enough. There will be manure from all over the region, driving on our poor roads and that new road every day, tractors with manure under our windows. Nine times a day, slurry tankers will pass my windows, spreading manure on the road.

Just give you a foothold, you will expand your activities and production, and dung from other countries will start to swim. “Don’t lie to us,” his sister-in-law snarled, but the authors of the project said that they do not plan to transport raw materials from elsewhere – they will always transport only from Kėdainiai.

A woman living in the nearest homestead next to the planned company also said that she did not know anything in advance and had no personal contact with the builders of the factory.

“I can still smell the slurry and manure from Laufriza, even though it is several kilometers away. So don’t tell me that opening a factory 260 meters away from me will give me a breath of fresh air. Now that you’ve built it, I’ll have to be happy for you to truck me some more manure and slurry,” she said.

The authorities do not intend to issue a permit

Algimantas Sirvydas, the elder of Josvainiai, said that the residents are quite rightly afraid and disappointed because they have been suffering from an unsolvable stench problem for many years.

“I completely understand all residents. Everything is nicely arranged here, God forbid that it should be, but if something goes wrong and we suffer the odors, we know what awaits us. We have an example with a pig farming complex. You can’t measure pollution simply, you need to talk to the residents to let special people into the yard. machine to measure odors. We are wandering around the ministries, we do not get favorable answers – they say there are no violations, but we stink. You have to close the windows because it is impossible to be outside.

High concentration, factory to factory, and another facility is coming. let’s be poor, but you’re right, cars passing through the town where animals are transported, manure is sprinkled on the road when going up the hill, and that manure stinks all over. Well, we don’t want that, sorry, shit, anymore,” said A.Sirvydas.

The authors of the project indicated as a plus point that the company will employ four local workers, who will be paid 1.2 thousand. EUR salary in hand, and the company’s profit will reach regarding 700 thousand. euros per year.

When asked whether there will be any benefit to the residents without the stench, the authors said that taxes will be paid to the state and municipal budgets.

“You get profit, and we get shit,” summed up the indignant residents, adding that, in addition to the stench, they will also get increased noise during the day and night, dirtied and damaged roads that are already livable.

Director of Municipal Administration Gintautas Muznikas said that the municipality will not issue a construction permit until there is an agreement with the residents.

And it is already obvious that he will not be there.

“Although the promotion of biogas production is provided for in the most important energy strategic documents and the National Energy Independence Strategy, the municipality does not support the construction of biogas production facilities in this location. The main reason for opposition is that the raw material used for the production of biogas is imported and not produced at the production site, thereby increasing the risk of unpleasant odors. The municipality does not intend to issue a construction permit until this project is coordinated with the surrounding residents and communities,” said G. Muznikas.

#Profit #crap #Josvainiai #residents #oppose #biomethane #production #company #Business
2024-07-03 15:59:11



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