Broken Peronism

2024-07-03 08:30:00

Even the general didn’t bring them together. as a sign The crisis that is going through and atomizing Peronism After losing the 2023 elections, different tribes organized themselves to honor their founders, Juan Domingo PeronIts “Path to Eternal Life” was completed half a century ago.

Double clarification immediately. On the one hand, the Peronist trance preceded the campaign that brought Javier Milei to power. Indeed, these exposed internal short circuits partly explain the complete failure of tripartite management. Alberto Fernandez, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Sergio Massa. On the other hand, the conflict involves the entire party political system, and it is important to note the representative orphan status of the majority of society vis-à-vis traditional forces.

That is to say, Peronism is trapped in a labyrinth It seems to be looking for a way out along the path it has taken recently, the results of which are very clear given the worst election results in its history: CFK’s holy words, internal affairs and doubts, self-defeat – criticism in the name of terror and (erroneously) ) unity.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Axel Kisilov pays tribute to Juan Peron

There is nothing about “doctrinal renewal,” as Perón said. Examining the substance and form of how to move towards “organized communities”, promoting better income distribution, making the country more efficient (not bigger), etc. is absent in the face of social needs, which is obvious and full of Abdominal sensation combined. Of course.

The signs are more like the same, in this Broken Peronism, splintered into pieces.

For example, there are more than a dozen events commemorating Perón. The main leader is Axel Kichilovin San Vicente No. 5, by La Cámpora and Maximo Kirchnersector Challenging the governor into an illogical argument about who leads. Cristina and Massa did not attend the party. No, Alberto F (PJ President Graduate hahaha) they don’t even call him.

Myth and reality in the second stage

leftover Peronist governors did their thing, as usually happens. From Tucumán neoliberals Hardoto quasi-liberal Catamarca Jalilthrough Córdoba lariola. until total balance sheet He paid his respects via live broadcast. If the general saw them…

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CFK tries to pay homage to Peron in its own style. In a friendly interview broadcast live, he expressed his views on the leader and once again brandished the double standard of whether he is in power or in opposition. Therefore, one asks whether Peronism should revisit the concept of productive forces or ally with other spaces to agree on a common project. Yes, that’s coming from a leader who led a field that received four government mandates in two decades and doesn’t even bother contrasting her own private investment projects with liberal RIGI.

Christine Kirchner and Pedro Rosenbla Cristina Kirchner and Pedro Rosenbra.

To this point, these contradictions extend beyond the former president. Otherwise, you only have to look at the eye-catching propaganda on the Internet and in related media that the conclave must exchange views on the economic model that Peronism should provide. Among the attendees, there were average retirement ageincluding Roberto Ferretti and Ignacio de BergSummoner Guillermo MorenoLast August he received almost 1% of the vote in PASO and is now awaiting a court ruling on his historic intervention in Indec to turn the statistics to Kirchnerism’s credit.

Perhaps Millais celebrated these events that shattered Peronism. and encourage them.

#Broken #Peronism

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