“Racist Insults in the Gym.” But the Owners Deny It –

Christian Campigli

Aboubakar Soumahoro has publicly denounced being called racist insults. “You neg*o. You live a good life between the gym and we pay you, these are some of the racist insults I received this morning in Rome from a girl who attacked me while I was training in the gym and her friend was filming with his smartphone. Another person, who witnessed the attack, had to stop training because he was disgusted by the scene – reads a note -. I immediately reported the fact to the management of the gym asking for their intervention. Obviously I will report this vile and cowardly attack to the competent authorities”.

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Widely predictable, the deplorable gesture was the means to pass judgment on Italy. “There is a climate of growing racism in the country also cleared by those political forces that, every day, praise fascism and the Duce – said the Honorable We must resist against those who want to take Italy back”. A story that, yesterday afternoon, was denied by the owners of the gym frequented by the MP. A story that emerged the day after the decision of the Latina court. Which revoked the house arrest of Liliane Murekatete, wife of the MP Aboubakar Soumahoro, and Marie Therese Mukamatsindo, mother-in-law of the MP. The obligation to remain at home was revoked for the brother-in-law Michel Rukundo. The decision of the judges, who accepted the request of the lawyers Lorenzo Borrè, who defends Murekatete, and Francesca Roccato, was taken in light of the lack of precautionary needs. The charges contested under various titles and depending on the positions are fraud in public supplies, fraudulent bankruptcy of assets (through distraction) and self-laundering. The two women, instead of house arrest, will have to go every day to sign at the carabinieri station.

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Comrade Fratoianni preaches well and practices Souma-Salis

#Racist #Insults #Gym #Owners #Deny #Tempo
2024-07-03 07:24:54

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