The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the court… He predicted the “traveler” a week ago and apologized | ETtoday Mainland News | ETtodayAMP

▲ On June 30, 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie from Mainland China suddenly fainted on the court while participating in the final group match of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships group stage in Indonesia and died after resuscitation failed. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)


Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player from Mainland China, suddenly fainted on the court during the last match of the group stage of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia on June 30 and died after resuscitation failed. Strangely, a netizen claimed to be a “traveler” and predicted as early as June 23 that “a badminton player will die on July 1st.” Unexpectedly, the prediction came true, triggering heated discussions among a large number of netizens. Related Screenshots are also going viral online.

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According to local media reports, Zhang Zhijie had no major illnesses in the past. Doctors determined that he may have suffered a sudden malignant arrhythmia during the game, which caused a loss of blood supply to the whole body and ultimately led to tragedy. After the incident, many foreign fans watching the game online criticized Indonesia’s on-site medical response for being too slow and amateurish. In fact, 27 seconds after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, medical staff immediately entered the field and was carried out of the field at 2 minutes and 26 seconds. The on-site medical team did take corresponding measures within these 2 minutes.

Strangely, a prediction previously posted by a netizen with the nickname “Bingxu” was discovered. He called himself a “traveler” and posted on June 23, “There will be a badminton player on July 1.” Athlete passed away.” Although the time of Zhang Zhijie’s death differed by dozens of minutes from the prediction (official report at 23:20 on June 30), it was basically consistent. When I actually looked at the screenshots, I felt that there were no traces of post-production, which made many people confused and even horrified.

▲The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the field. He predicted it a week ago. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

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However, some people think that “the survivor effect uses known information to make a hypothesis. When the hypothesis is wrong, no one cares. When the hypothesis happens to be realistic, one of his hypotheses will become a prediction.” “If he were a time traveler, he would have bought it long ago. Make a fortune from lottery tickets”, “Countless people make various predictions every day, but some people can get it right.”

Seeing that the storm was getting worse, the “traveler” apologized in the message thread afterwards, “I’m very sorry, Brother Jie. I really didn’t expect this to be true. I don’t know how to say to you, I’m sorry, I wish you the best.” There is also badminton in heaven.” It seemed that he recognized that he was just talking casually, but he didn’t expect that his words would come true.

▲The netizen apologized. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

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The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the court... He predicted the "traveler" a week ago and apologized

▲ On June 30, 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie from Mainland China suddenly fainted on the court while participating in the final group match of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships group stage in Indonesia and died after resuscitation failed. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)


Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player from Mainland China, suddenly fainted on the court during the last match of the group stage of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia on June 30 and died after resuscitation failed. Strangely, a netizen claimed to be a “traveler” and predicted as early as June 23 that “a badminton player will die on July 1st.” Unexpectedly, the prediction came true, triggering heated discussions among a large number of netizens. Related screenshots are also going viral online.

[廣告] Please read on.

According to local media reports, Zhang Zhijie had no major illnesses in the past. Doctors determined that he may have suffered a sudden malignant arrhythmia during the game, which caused a loss of blood supply to the whole body and ultimately led to tragedy. After the incident, many foreign fans watching the game online criticized Indonesia’s on-site medical response for being too slow and amateurish. In fact, 27 seconds after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, medical staff immediately entered the field and was carried out of the field at 2 minutes and 26 seconds. The on-site medical team did take corresponding measures within these 2 minutes.

Strangely, a prediction previously posted by a netizen with the nickname “Bingxu” was discovered. He called himself a “traveler” and posted on June 23, “There will be a badminton player on July 1.” Athlete passed away.” Although the time of Zhang Zhijie’s death differed by dozens of minutes from the prediction (official report at 23:20 on June 30), it was basically consistent. When I actually looked at the screenshots, I felt that there were no traces of post-production, which made many people confused and even horrified.

▲The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the field. He predicted it a week ago. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

[廣告] Please read on..

However, some people think that “the survivor effect uses known information to make a hypothesis. When the hypothesis is wrong, no one cares. When the hypothesis happens to be realistic, one of his hypotheses will become a prediction.” “If he were a time traveler, he would have bought it long ago. Make a fortune from lottery tickets”, “Countless people make various predictions every day, but some people can get it right.”

Seeing that the storm was getting worse, the “traveler” apologized in the message thread afterwards, “I’m very sorry, Brother Jie. I really didn’t expect this to be true. I don’t know how to say to you, I’m sorry, I wish you the best.” There is also badminton in heaven.” It seemed that he recognized that he was just talking casually, but he didn’t expect that his words would come true.

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▲The netizen apologized. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

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17-Year-Old Badminton Player Dies Suddenly on Court, “Time Traveler” Prediction Sparks Controversy

The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the court... He predicted the

▲ On June 30, 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie from Mainland China suddenly fainted on the court while participating in the final group match of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships group stage in Indonesia and died after resuscitation failed. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)


The world of badminton was shaken by the tragic death of 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, a promising player from Mainland China, during the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia on June 30. The young athlete collapsed during a match and passed away despite resuscitation efforts. This incident has sent shockwaves through the sporting community, but it was the emergence of a chilling prediction by a self-proclaimed “time traveler” that truly captured the attention of the internet.

A Perturbing Prediction

A week before Zhang Zhijie’s death, a netizen going by the name “Bingxu” posted a message on social media, claiming to be a “time traveler” and predicting that a badminton player would die on July 1st. The prediction, eerily close to the actual date of Zhang Zhijie’s passing (June 30, 23:20), sparked widespread fear and fascination among online users.

▲The 17-year-old badminton player fell to the ground and died on the field. He predicted it a week ago. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

The authenticity of the prediction, along with the horrifying accuracy of its timing, fueled discussions and debate across social media platforms. It seemed almost impossible to dismiss the coincidence as mere chance, leading some to speculate on the possibility of genuine time travel.

Medical Cause of Death and Response

Medical professionals attributed Zhang Zhijie’s death to a sudden malignant arrhythmia, a severe heart condition that leads to a disruption in the heart’s rhythm, causing a loss of blood supply to the body and triggering a fatal cardiac arrest. The incident has raised concerns about the adequacy of medical support provided at sporting events, with some online commentators criticizing the response time and perceived lack of preparedness by the Indonesian medical team.

While medical staff reacted quickly after Zhang Zhijie collapsed, entering the field within 27 seconds and carrying him out after 2 minutes and 26 seconds, some critics argued that the timing and procedures were insufficient in a situation that required immediate and decisive medical intervention. The debate surrounding the medical response reflects the urgent need for rigorous protocols and readily available advanced medical equipment at sporting events of any scale.

“Traveler” Apologizes Amidst the Chaos

The online “traveler” who issued the chilling prediction quickly became the focal point of public scrutiny. Facing a barrage of messages and skepticism, Bingxu responded with a public apology, expressing sorrow for the athlete’s passing and acknowledging that the unforeseen accuracy of the prediction had deeply affected him.

▲The netizen apologized. (Picture/reproduced from Xiaohongshu)

The apology, while seemingly heartfelt, did little to quell the controversy. Some online users remained unconvinced by the “time traveler” narrative, arguing that the prediction was merely an instance of “survivor bias” – where a person who makes numerous predictions eventually stumbles upon one that coincidentally aligns with reality. Others pointed to the unlikelihood of time travel and suggested that the prediction was simply a stroke of luck or a calculated attempt to capitalize on public interest.

The Enduring Mystery of the Prediction

The 17-year-old badminton player’s death under the shadow of a puzzling prediction has left a lasting impression on the online community. The question of whether the “time traveler” truly had a glimpse into the future or simply made a lucky guess remains unanswered. The incident has sparked a whirlwind of discussions around topics ranging from time travel and prediction to the importance of medical preparedness at sporting events.

The tragedy of Zhang Zhijie’s passing serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unexpected turns fate can take. As the sports world mourns the loss of a talented young athlete, the online “traveler” stands as an enigmatic reminder of the power of coincidence and the enduring fascination with the unknown in a world full of mysteries.

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Further reading
The land of my natal family was targeted by a builder, and my teammates secretly reported that “the mother-in-law asked her to save my sister-in-law”: the family should not worry about it so much
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