What holiday is today, June 27, 2024

The national holiday on June 27 is known as Samson’s Day, Elisey Grechkosii, Eliseyevy Day.

What a holiday today, June 27 / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.com

On June 27, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine honors the memory of Saint Samson the Miracle Worker, righteous Joanna the Myrrh-Bearer and Patriarch Kirill of Constantinople in a new style. According to the old style, on the holiday today, the Old Testament prophet Elisha is remembered.

On the national holiday of June 27, our ancestors were engaged in sowing late buckwheat and the first winter crops. And in the fields with wheat and rye, the harvest began. It often rained on this date – then the day was spent at home cleaning and repairing.

To increase the yield of buckwheat, housewives cooked buckwheat porridge in the oven and treated all relatives. The dish was seasoned with sunflower oil or butter, lard, and bird fat. People believed that if you eat buckwheat porridge today, the family will be full and prosperous until the end of the year.

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Wearing new, unworn clothes is considered a lucky sign for the holiday of June 27. In such things, they even went out to work in the field. According to the sign, new clothes today will bring mental renewal and solving old problems.

Another happy ritual on this national holiday is helping travelers, the poor, orphans and widows. On this day, people tried to do a good deed for a stranger, or give help to the church or charity. The good done today will return to a person in threefold.

June 27 – a sign of the Zodiac

A person born today under the zodiac sign is Cancer. Birthday people of this day are by nature independent, freedom-loving, withdrawn. They listen more than they talk. They do not like to “burden” loved ones with their problems, and also listen to unsolicited advice. Very pessimistic and nervous. These people always know what they want from life.

June 27 is a holiday in Ukraine / photo by Pixabay

What not to do on June 27

You can’t gossip, spread rumors and tell other people’s secrets today – you will ruin your reputation.

Do not pick up any objects, other people’s things, money from the ground – they will not bring happiness.

You should not walk in dirty, torn, worn clothes on June 27. Otherwise, troubles in personal life are possible.

Overeating today – to stomach problems.

Weather signs for June 27

There are the following signs regarding the weather on this day:

  • If it rained, then July will be rainy. But if a rainbow appeared following the rain, then the weather will be dry in the future.
  • Honey (sticky) dew appeared on the grass and trees – to crop failure and livestock diseases.
  • You can’t see bees and butterflies on the street – wait for the rain.
  • If dark clouds appeared at noon, the weather will worsen in the followingnoon.
  • Circles are visible around the moon at night – before the weather changes.

It is important to note that nowadays the climate has changed a lot, and not all ancient omens are relevant for us.

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