the positive impact on psychological well-being

Flowers have a positive impact on emotions and can improve people’s mood.

Humans have cultivated flowers for about 5,000 years, and their uses have not changed much. We place them on the graves of loved ones, give them as gifts as a gesture of apology or to signify a possible romance. They are the perfect decoration for celebrations, filling the environment with joy. Flowers also reflect spiritual feelings in different religions, and even the vast majority of commercial fragrances have a floral aroma.

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Flowers play a purely decorative role in our lives, but it has been proven that they have a positive impact on our emotions. They provide peace of mind and relieve stress; we feel less depressed and they connect us with people. Beyond the rich smell they give off, their colors help us feel less worried, alleviating anxieties, especially in work environments. Living with flowers can provide a boost of energy, happiness and enthusiasm at work.

Our results suggest that flowers have a positive impact on our well-being.

Nancy Etcoff

Harvard University researcher

Flowers are also perfect for places like living rooms and hallways, where we meet to socialize with other people. That’s why Dr. Nancy Etcoff, a researcher at Harvard University, says: “Spending a few days with flowers in the home can affect a wide variety of feelings. As a psychologist, I am particularly intrigued to discover that people who live with flowers report fewer episodes of anxiety and depressive feelings.”

Flowers nourish compassion

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Etcoff conducted a study in 2005 and discovered some interesting findings. Flowers fuel compassion – study participants who lived with fresh cut flowers for less than a week felt an increase in their feelings of compassion and kindness towards others. Flowers chase away anxieties, worries and sadness from home – overall people in the study felt less negative after being around flowers at home for just a few days.

Participants most often placed flowers in their kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms, where they spend a lot of time at home, as they said they wanted to see the flowers first thing in the morning. Another success of the study was finding that the people receiving the flowers smiled sincerely; that is, they did not feel forced to smile but rather showed genuine pleasure. And finally, the relationship between people became stronger, as it strengthened the bonds of friendship or affection.

So you know, next time you are invited to a house, give a bouquet of flowers to your hosts and you will see how their faces shine with happiness.

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Flowers: More Than Just Beauty, They Boost Your Mood

Flowers have a positive impact on emotions and can improve people’s mood.

Humans have cultivated flowers for about 5 thousand years, and we can imagine that their uses have not changed much. We put them on the graves of our loved ones, we give them as gifts as a gesture of apology, or a sign of a possible romance, they are the perfect decoration to celebrate by filling the environment with joy, and they reflect spiritual feelings in different religions. Even most commercial fragrances have a floral aroma.

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Flowers, however, play a purely decorative role in our lives, but they have been proven to play on our emotions in a positive way. They give us peace of mind and relieve stress; we feel less depressed and they connect us with people. Beyond the rich smell that they give off, the colors help you feel less worried, minimizing anxieties, especially in work environments. Living with flowers can provide a boost of energy, happiness and enthusiasm at work.

Our results suggest that flowers have a positive impact on our well-being.

Nancy Etcoff

Harvard University researcher

They are also perfect for places like living rooms and hallways where we meet to socialize with other people. That’s why Dr. Nancy Etcoff, a researcher at Harvard University, says: “Spending a few days with flowers in the home can affect a wide variety of feelings. As a psychologist, I am particularly intrigued to discover that people who live with flowers report fewer episodes of anxiety and depressive feelings.”

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Flowers Nourish Compassion


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Etcoff conducted a study in 2005 and discovered some interesting findings. Flowers fuel compassion – study participants who lived with fresh cut flowers for less than a week felt an increase in their feelings of compassion and kindness towards others; flowers chase away anxieties, worries and sadness from home – overall people in the study felt less negative after being around flowers at home for just a few days.

Participants most often placed flowers in their kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms, where they spend a lot of time at home, as they said they wanted to see the flowers first thing in the morning. Another success of the study was finding that the people receiving the flowers smiled sincerely, that is, they did not feel forced to smile but rather showed genuine pleasure. And finally, the relationship between people became stronger, as it strengthened the bonds of friendship or affection.

So you know, next time you are invited to a house, give a bouquet of flowers to your hosts and you will see how their faces shine with happiness.

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The Science Behind the Benefits

While it might seem intuitive that flowers make us feel good, there’s actual scientific research backing up this observation. Here’s a closer look at how flowers impact our psychological well-being:

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Studies have shown that the presence of flowers can lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone. The visual appeal and pleasant scent of flowers have a calming effect on the nervous system, making us feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Boosting Mood and Happiness

Flowers can trigger the release of endorphins, which are natural mood elevators. They also have a positive impact on our emotional state, leading to feelings of joy, contentment, and even optimism.

Promoting Social Connection

Flowers are often associated with positive social interactions. Giving and receiving flowers strengthens bonds, expresses care and affection, and creates a sense of connection with others. This can lead to feelings of belonging and support, which are crucial for mental well-being.

Tips for Bringing More Flowers into Your Life

To reap the benefits of flowers, try incorporating them into your everyday life:

  • Bring fresh flowers home: Try to have a bouquet or single flower arrangement in your living space.
  • Grow your own: Even if you have limited space, you can grow herbs or small flowering plants indoors or on a balcony.
  • Use dried flowers in decor: Dried flowers offer a beautiful and long-lasting way to add a touch of floral charm to your home.
  • Gift flowers to others: Spread the joy and benefits of flowers by giving them as gifts to friends, family, or colleagues.

Beyond the Benefits: A Deeper Connection

Flowers have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. The symbolism and beauty they evoke connect us to something larger than ourselves, reminding us of the cycle of life, growth, and renewal.

So, the next time you see a flower, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and consider the positive impact it can have on your well-being, not just your mood, but your overall sense of happiness and connection with the world around you.

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