Moroccan squid banned in Spain

The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) detected a break in the cold chain during an inspection of a batch of squid imported from Morocco at the Spanish border. This situation might foster the growth of bacteria like salmonella, rendering the squid unfit for consumption.

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El Español reports that the shipment was seized. The RASFF, without divulging specifics regarding the alert, mentions a “risk” to consumer health. However, the agency assures that this specific batch of Moroccan squid was not marketed in Spain.

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The consumer association Facua has repeatedly criticized the limited information provided by the RASFF on these food alerts, which compels European consumers to avoid purchasing any products related to the alert.

Cold Chain Break in Moroccan Squid Shipment Raises Food Safety Concerns

The European Union’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) has issued an alert regarding a batch of squid imported from Morocco. The alert, which was triggered during a border check in Spain, revealed a break in the cold chain, raising concerns regarding potential food safety risks.

The Importance of Cold Chain Integrity

Maintaining a consistent cold chain is crucial for ensuring the safety and quality of perishable food products like seafood. The cold chain refers to the uninterrupted series of temperature-controlled environments that a food product passes through from its origin to its final destination.

When the cold chain is broken, the temperature of the product can fluctuate, creating an environment conducive to the growth of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella. This can significantly impact the safety and edibility of the food product.

Potential Health Risks Associated with Cold Chain Breaks

The following health risks can arise when a cold chain is disrupted:

  • Foodborne illnesses: Bacteria like Salmonella can multiply rapidly in temperatures above 4°C. Consumption of contaminated food can lead to food poisoning, characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever.
  • Spoilage: Temperature fluctuations can accelerate the spoilage process, resulting in changes in the product’s taste, texture, and appearance.
  • Loss of nutritional value: Some nutrients are sensitive to heat and can be degraded by temperature fluctuations.

RASFF Response and Consumer Impact

In response to the cold chain break detected in the Moroccan squid shipment, the RASFF has taken the following measures:

  • Seizure of the infected batch: The shipment was immediately seized to prevent its entry into the Spanish market.
  • Communication of the alert: The RASFF has issued an alert to all relevant authorities across Europe, ensuring awareness of the potential risk.
  • Information dissemination: The RASFF has made the information regarding the alert public, allowing consumers to be informed regarding the potential risks.

However, the lack of specific details provided by the RASFF regarding the alert has been criticized by consumer advocacy groups like Facua. They argue that the limited information provided can lead to unnecessary panic and avoidance of all products from the targeted region, even those that are not part of the alert.

Preventing Cold Chain Breaks

Maintaining a consistent cold chain is essential for ensuring the safety and quality of food products. Here are some strategies to prevent cold chain breaks:

  • Proper storage and transportation conditions: Ensure appropriate refrigeration or freezing temperatures are maintained during storage and transportation.
  • Use of temperature monitoring devices: Regular temperature monitoring using devices like data loggers can help identify and address potential cold chain breaches promptly.
  • Training and education: Proper training for all personnel involved in handling and transporting perishable goods is critical to ensuring they understand the importance of cold chain integrity.
  • Regular audits and inspections: Regular audits and inspections of cold chain processes and equipment can help identify potential weaknesses and ensure compliance with food safety standards.

Importance of Transparency and Information Sharing

The RASFF plays a crucial role in protecting consumers from food safety risks. However, the organization needs to strike a balance between ensuring transparency and avoiding unnecessary panic among consumers. Providing detailed information regarding alerts, including the specific products involved and the nature of the risk, can help consumers make informed decisions.


The recent alert regarding the Moroccan squid shipment highlights the importance of maintaining a consistent cold chain for seafood and other perishable food products. Consumers should be aware of potential risks associated with cold chain breaks and take preventive measures to ensure food safety.

While the RASFF plays a vital role in protecting consumers from food safety risks, there is room for improvement in terms of information sharing and transparency. Providing more details regarding alerts can empower consumers to make informed choices regarding the food they purchase and consume.



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