The “Tierra de Gracia” program seeks to remove current economic controls that have only served to fuel corruption

By: @AlexGonzalezDigital CNP 25.770

Economists Maria Trinidad de Egañez and Ricardo Berrios They spoke regarding the economic program “Venezuela Land of Grace”, before a group of representatives of the business and social fabric of the state of Trujillo at the headquarters of Acoinva, who stated that the current controls on the national economic system have only encouraged corruption.

“An economy is necessary for prosperity, which eliminate poverty and grow the middle class. To achieve this, in the medium term, it is proposed to reestablish economic guarantees and respect for private property,” said the economist.

He added that they are Urgent legal and policy reforms are needed to prevent expropriations and the disruption of economic activity. To stabilize the macroeconomic situation, it is suggested to reduce the fiscal deficit and its monetary financing, to reduce inflation and achieve exchange rate stability with free convertibility.

“Dialogue with multilateral organizations is necessary with the implementation of structural reforms, restructuring the external debt and reinsert Venezuela into international financial markets”.

The economist insists that emergency humanitarian aid and support includes addressing the following areas: food, health and education for the most vulnerable groups.

To achieve the necessary economic stabilization, Berríos explained that Decent jobs must be created, the size of the State must be optimized, and the budget must be reorganized to address the social-humanitarian emergency. and rescue the infrastructure of public services. He added that it should clear and simplify bureaucratic processes and procedures that prevent the formalization of private productive activities.

In the monetary and exchange field, the question arises: Institutional independence and technical capacity of the Central Bank to implement monetary programs leading to a drastic reduction in price progression, with specific inflation targets, with limited ranges and respective adjustment of interest rates.

The public debt crisis will be addressed by reaching agreements with multilateral organizations and the nation’s creditors consistent with the requirements of stabilizing the economy and laying the foundations for sustained medium- and long-term growth. State assets will be protected.”Program of

International Financing

Economist Maria Trinidad de Egañez indicated that it is essential the Achievement of an International Financing Program with support from the International Monetary Fund, Multilateral Development Bank and Bilateral Agency.

He explained that the “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” plan proposes the opening of marketing channels with the world through the simplification of trade policy to increase alliances and relationships with international companies and trade.

It is also proposed to make tax and trade reforms that will reduce tax expenditures and tariff benefits, thereby Promote horizontal equity and reduce transactional costs in all sectors.

“With a Massive public and private investment program, the creation of decent employment, productivity, and economic growth is expected and investment in infrastructure for the construction and repair of roads, ports, airports, public services, hospital construction, educational facilities, housing, urban facilities, and communication development,” said the economist.

To turn Venezuela into the “energy hub of the Americas and the energy transition”, this program is provides for the privatization and recovery of oil production.

“Venezuela Tierra de Gracia aims to steadily increase oil production to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the current global demand for hydrocarbons and thus finance the recovery of the Venezuelan economy. To achieve this, They require huge investments that the Venezuelan State is not in a position to provide.”.

The economist explained that the country has large reserves of hydrocarbons, but they are useless underground; she added that There is a limited time before oil is displaced by other, less polluting energy sources.“That is why attracting private capital is the solution and the strategy to achieve it is privatization,” he said.

“Productive activities in the industry that should be privatized will be privatized until the objective of privatizing PDVSA can be achieved. Only in this way will massive investments be made to achieve a sustained increase in production in the shortest possible time.offering conditions that guarantee legal security and an attractive environment for investors.”

The economist He clarified that the State will continue to receive increasingly larger fiscal resources in the form of royalties and taxes that guarantee the greatest benefit for the nation. “We will have a Venezuelan Energy and Petroleum Agency that will assume the regulatory function of the industry,” he added.

“Thanks to all of the above, Oil privatization will allow Venezuela to regain its status as a safe and reliable supplier for its customerswhile providing unbeatable investment opportunities in the industry.”

Return expropriated companies

The economic program seeks return confiscated or expropriated companies to their natural owners and the privatization of companies whose essential function must be performed by the private sector.

“This aims to achieve 4 objectives: Optimize the use of state-owned companies and assets by improving the quality and quantity of goods and services; improve the financial balance of the Republic (allowing us to settle external debt); balance of fiscal accounts – macroeconomic stability (avoiding the flight of public funds) and allowing the concentration of public management and administration on matters that are non-transferable or non-delegable for the state.”

To achieve these purposes, the following is proposed: Establishment of consultation with the industrial, commercial, agricultural and service provision sectors to specify the needs of these sectors and thus be able to focus State support on the aspects that concern them and that are most useful for business development and job creation.

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#Tierra #Gracia #program #seeks #remove #current #economic #controls #served #fuel #corruption
2024-07-02 17:03:56



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