Recognizing ingenuity and innovation

Every July 1st we honor Mexican engineers who drive development and innovation in our society.

This date, officially instituted in 1974, highlights the importance of the various engineering disciplines in building a sustainable future. July 1 marks a special date in the Mexican calendar: Engineer’s Day. This celebration pays tribute to all those professionals who, through their work, knowledge and creativitytransform the world around us.

Engineering, in its many branches, has played a fundamental role in the development of the infrastructure, technology and industrial processes that define everyday life today. Since construction of bridges and buildings to the design of computer systems and the creation of sustainable solutions for environmental challenges, they are the architects of our progress.

History of Engineer’s Day

The commemoration of this day dates back to the initiative of the then president of Mexico, Luis Echeverría Álvarez, who in 1974 decreed this date to recognize the work of this profession.

This decree was the result of a proposal submitted by Eng. Eugenio Méndez Docurro, Secretary of Communications and Transportation at that time. The date, July 1, was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the graduation of the first Mexican civil engineer, Eng. Miguel Ángel de Quevedo, known as the “apostle of the tree” for his contributions to reforestation and environmental conservation; a fact that underlines the long tradition and impact of engineering in our country.

The role of engineers in society

Today, these professionals face increasingly complex challenges that require innovative and sustainable solutions. For example, Civil Engineering remains crucial for the development of safe and efficient infrastructure, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering drives the digital age, enabling unprecedented connectivity, while Environmental Engineering is dedicated to mitigating the impacts of climate change, promoting sustainable industrial practices and the efficient use of natural resources.

Training engineers at the University

Universities play an essential role in the Training competent and ethical engineersThrough rigorous academic programs and professional internships, engineering students acquire the skills necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century. In addition, educational institutions encourage research and development, creating an environment conducive to innovation.

At Anáhuac we proudly celebrate Engineer’s Day by recognizing the talent and dedication of our students and teachers. Throughout the year, the Faculty of Engineering organizes events, conferences and workshops that highlight advances in different fields of Engineering, promoting a culture of excellence and collaboration.

A promising future

The future of Engineering is as vast as the possibilities offered by the human imagination. With the advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and renewable energy, these professionals will continue to play a leading role in building a more equitable and sustainable world.

In this Engineer’s Day We recognize all those who, through their tireless work, contribute to the well-being and progress of our society. Their ingenuity and dedication are the force that drives us toward building a stronger and more prosperous Mexico.


• Government of Mexico. (nd). Why is Engineer’s Day celebrated on July 1? Recovered from



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