In San Lorenzo, 330 blocks will likely be paved to enhance 40 highway routes

Asunción, IP Company.– As a part of Central Plan 2, the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) plans to pave greater than 330 blocks (33.18 km) in San Lorenzo.

This venture, akin to Lot 5 of the tender, covers 40 highway routes that will likely be improved with asphalt or cobblestone pavement.

The estimated funding for San Lorenzo is G. 62,583,981,471, in accordance with the so-called MOPC No. 51/2024 “Nationwide Public Tender for the Rehabilitation and Paving of Highway Sections within the Central Division”, ID 449,370. The date for submitting affords is Friday, July 12, 2024 at 09:00 and the opening will likely be at 09:30.

The execution interval for the works is eighteen months from the issuance of the beginning order by the MOPC.

Along with San Lorenzo, 5 different cities (Areguá, Itá, Capiatá, Ñemby and Guarambaré) will profit from this plan, which covers greater than 133 km of recent asphalt or paving, in accordance with the wants of every locality.

Interventions scheduled in San Lorenzo:

– Azteca Road: 0.66 km
– 25 August (Virgin of Lourdes): 0.46 km
– August 25 (From Porvenir to Los Tucanes): 0.82 km
– China Road -Possibility A: 0.12 km
– China – Ikela – Manila: 1.46 km
– Avda. Japan (From Kuwait to Los Tucanes): 0.52 km
– Paraguay River Road (From Mbuyapey to Laguna Grande): 0.5 km
– Victor Caceres Road (From Ramón Filizzola to Laguna Grande): 0.5 km
– López de Vega (From Juan Leopardi to San Blas): 0.09 km
– Eduardo Guasp-Barbero – López de Vega – San Blas: 3.02 km
– Unnamed avenue to Sgto. Penayo: 0.59 km
– Tte. Rodi (From José A. Ortiz to Arsenales): 0.79 km
– Mariano Roque Alonso (From Juan Leopardi to Rafael Materi): 1.28 km
– Paz del Chaco -Mauricio J – San Antonio: 0.77 km
– Fernando de Mompox Road: 0.15 km
– Del Pilar -Prof. Victor Curiel: 0.51 km
– La Encarnación (From Lt. Maschio to Manuel O. Guerrero): 0.36 km
– Marcelina Insfrán (From Manuel O. Guerrero to Hernandarias): 0.27 km
– Sgt. Silva (From Florida to September 11): 0.31 km
– July 22 (From Sgto Silva to Gral. Caballero): 0.15 km
– Yasyreta Road (From Florida to route PY01): 0.74 km
– Imperial (From Saturio Ríos to Yasyreta): 0.63 km
– Dr. De Felice – Carmen de Lara Castro: 0.5 km
– Toribio Ocampos (From Nilo Meyer to Avda. La Victoria): 1.04 km
– Spain – March 10: 1.52 km
– Antequera and Castro – Juan A. Melgarejo: 0.79 km
– S/N – route PY01 – Avda. La Victoria: 0.23 km
– Sgt. Silva (From Campo Jordán to Las Flores): 1.23 km
– Santa Rita (From Ramon L. Cardozo to San Pedro): 0.45 km
– Brasilia (From Might 1 to Avelino Martinez): 1.39 km
– JM Centurión Road (From San Isidro to Avda. La Victoria): 1.74 km
– José Berges -December 31): 1.18 km
– Anahí – June 12: 1.37 km
– Hércules (From Arnaldo Bacigalupo to Mayor Alderete): 0.65 km
– Maneco Galeano (Campos del Py – Mayor Alderete): 3.03 km
– Tacuara Road: 0.39 km
– sixth of January Court docket: 0.78 km
– Los Tulipanes: 0.93 km
– Silvio Pettirossi: 0.67 km
– Panchito Lopez: 0.59 km

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#San #Lorenzo #blocks #paved #enhance #highway #routes
2024-06-26 17:19:10

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