At house: “I am a girl, I’ve coloured pores and skin, however even my hair is blue and I’ve a tattoo” – Kriszta Mwajas defeated the mayor of Pócsmegyer who had reigned for 22 years

At house: “I’m a girl, I’ve coloured pores and skin, however even my hair is blue and I’ve a tattoo” – Kriszta Mwajas defeated the mayor of Pócsmegyer who had reigned for 22 years |

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June 2024. 25. 08:02 June 2024. 25. 09:29 At house

The girl of Kenyan origin defeated Miklós Németh by only one vote. In line with him, there is no such thing as a level in social gathering politics in Pócsmegyer.

Municipal elections

The mayoral election between Dávid Vitézy and Gergely Karácsony has not but been accomplished – the latter gained with 324 votes, however attributable to a recount and attraction, this isn’t ultimate. In Győr, the place Fidesz misplaced, the votes will even be recounted. Though the governing events can handle yet one more metropolis with county rights than earlier than, there have been additionally a number of settlements that had been misplaced following many years.

Krisztá Mwajas was elected mayor of Pócsmegyer on the ninth of June. The girl was born in Budapest, however is of Kenyan descent. THE Look in keeping with her report, she is the primary coloured feminine settlement chief in Hungary.

As well as, Kriszta Mwajas defeated a 22-year-old mayor, Miklós Németh, within the election. with only one vote. “I acquired such questions from girls regarding why I needed to start out as a girl. It did not even happen to me, similar to I do not care regarding the truth that I am coloured, however I did not get any feedback regarding it. There was no subject. My father is of Kenyan origin, however I used to be born in Budapest. Since I used to be elected, journalists have been in search of me due to my pores and skin colour, however I feel it’s also fully regular that they’re inquisitive regarding my origin. Furthermore, I’ll say one thing else: not solely am I a girl, I’ve coloured pores and skin, however my hair can be blue and I even have a tattoo,” mentioned the Lookto.

Fb / Kriszta Mwajas

Kriszta Mwajas sees herself extra as a neighborhood individual than a politician. An increasing number of persons are transferring to Pócsmegyer, and in keeping with him, the residents kind an especially colourful neighborhood, who additionally actively contribute to the constructing of the neighborhood and the event of the settlement. They’ll have loads of work: in keeping with the report of the mayor, who will take workplace in October, the roads are in a horrible situation, there are various grime roads and hardly any asphalt. Public transport can be unhealthy, following eight within the night it’s nearly inconceivable to get from A to B and not using a automobile. “There’s a cease to funding, the economic system is in a troublesome state of affairs, there may be little cash, however I feel that with some research, with the assistance of the member of parliament, it’s attainable to maneuver ahead whether it is attainable to create developments that the settlement actually wants,” he mentioned.

There’s not a lot room for events and social gathering politics right here. He has no sense

he defined. “There’s a place right here for individuals who assist hold the settlement on its ft. We now stay within the age of communities. We’ve to make use of the various good professionals who stay right here. If that is established, then we will make enhancements. After all, for this we actually want tenders and attainable future investments, that are in keeping with the pure values ​​of the settlement.” Kriszta Mwajas mentioned she is going to contact Eszter Vitályos, the federal government consultant of the area.

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