Financial system: A stroman near Fidesz dished in regards to the operation of corporations: “My identify was Kuss”

Financial system: A person near Fidesz dished in regards to the operation of the businesses: “My identify was silent” |

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June 2024. 05. 19:23 June 2024. 05. 19:46 Financial system

There was a undertaking that they launched into “as a result of the Nice Eagle ordered it”.

The authorities wish to accumulate a debt of HUF 300 million from a girl named Fanni Bodnár, who has step by step taken on an more and more vital function in a gaggle of corporations in Hajdú-Bihar County. The lady is a 444to reported on how he turned a straw man, how the offers happened above his head, and the way a lot affect the Fidesz parliamentary consultant László Tasó had on native enterprise life (on our image).

Fanni Bodnár first began working within the mayor’s workplace in Nyíradony, the place she met the monetary workplace supervisor of Nyíradonyi Vagyonkezelő Kft., Erzsébet Czifra. Years later, Czifra supplied her a job when she and her husband János Tasó (nephew of László Tasó) began a three way partnership, and never lengthy following that they requested her to provide her identify to a dormant development firm. To start out it up, they wanted a clear individual with no money owed, and Bodnár took on the duty, since, as he mentioned, he utterly trusted Czifra and thought it was pure that he would assist her. The couple reassured him that he wouldn’t have additional work, they’d deal with all the things for him, he solely needed to signal clean money withdrawal receipts in order that they might do it with out him, and the financial institution entry codes had been additionally set on Czifra’s cellphone.

After some time, nevertheless, the corporate had fee difficulties, regardless of profitable a collection of native authorities tenders from EU sources, the revenue remained low all through. In the meantime, the corporate’s money owed started to rise sharply, in response to its stability sheet, they reached HUF 748 million by 2020, and on this yr foreclosures had been first began in opposition to the corporate.

Lastly, by the summer season of 2022, unpaid invoices introduced down each corporations and their liquidation started, forsaking deserted works, unsettled and unfinished tenders, unpaid subcontractors and municipalities in bother, writes the 444. NAV launched an investigation into the duty of the corporate’s senior officers, and Bodnár reported that he realized from the investigators what it means to be a “strawman”. “I do not wish to settle for that I’ve to pay this once more,” she mentioned.

As he says, following some time the corporate took on jobs that they’d not have utilized for on their very own. He heard from János Tasó {that a} particular funding needed to be undertaken “as a result of the Nice Eagle ordered it”. In response to the newspaper’s inquiry as to who talked regarding Nagy Sas, consultant László Bodnár Fanni Tasó. He additionally mentioned that he was an earwitness to cellphone conversations between János Tasó and his uncle, wherein the consultant inquired in regards to the standing of the initiatives. The corporate supervisor at all times tried to provide a reassuring reply, and Bodnár, though he knew that this didn’t correspond to the reality, didn’t converse to him as a result of, as he says, “his identify was quiet”.

It’s now clear that the politician is making an attempt to distance himself from János Tasó, within the newspaper he edited and printed by the native Fidesz, for instance, he wrote: “Opposite to the cunningly put collectively lies, I used to be not and am not in a enterprise relationship with my blood relative, whose critical ethical and materials harm is unforgivable.”

We advocate it from the entrance web page

Interview with Zsuzsanna Ötvös, pastry chef of the Laurel restaurant.

The producers and the shops even have a artistic answer in order that we do not have to stroll between posters with purple exclamation marks and store.

Magyar promised that he would cope with the matter for the final time.

The Hungarian authorities would have supported an automotive funding that may have been realized with out it.

They weren’t overly affected by what occurred.

An inciting name was beforehand printed on the Nationalist Zone 3.0 Telegram channel.

After all, he states that they “took notice” of the decision of the voters.

You’ll be able to rise up to 25 years.

Neither is it how the state of affairs developed that Fidesz additionally known as for Vitézy’s help.

28-year-old Bálint Szajki, photojournalist of, acquired the Hemző award this yr.

It’s not but recognized whether or not he’ll be capable of play within the second sport.




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