How can we overcome the present obstacles to the event of carbon-free hydrogen?

How can we overcome the present obstacles to the event of carbon-free hydrogen?

2024-05-13 06:21:51

Hydrogen is offered to us as an answer of the long run to speed up the decarbonization of our trade and our transport.

Nonetheless, numerous challenges stay to be overcome. The brakes are of technical, financial and regulatory origin.

Throughout this webinar hosted by Professors Marvillet and Nasri on Tuesday Might 28, we’ll see what the avenues are for overcoming the obstacles to the event of hydrogen.

This webinar is freely accessible, register by filling out the shape =>

Targets :

This webinar will handle the problem of hydrogen as an answer for the decarbonization of trade. By 2030, radical adjustments are anticipated in using hydrogen, notably in trade and transport. One other use ought to develop, much less instantly seen, for houses: the injection of hydrogen into the fuel community. Are we in keeping with the 2030 aims? What are the obstacles to beat to realize this?

#overcome #present #obstacles #growth #carbonfree #hydrogen

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