Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16 at the theater “Orofos” the performance “The sin of my mother” – 2024-05-12 15:58:47

After the artistic success in Athens, the show ” My mother’s sin” by Georgios Vizyinos, directed and performed by Konstantinos Giannakopoulos, travels to Patras for only two performances at the “Orofos” theater, on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May, at 21:00 in the evening.

One of the most important texts of modern Greek literature. “My mother’s sin” is the first Greek short story with a psychographic character that manages to overcome the narrow limits of ethnography, penetrating the mental motivations of the protagonists. Vizyinos pioneers, as it is the first time in Greek short story that the world of the soul opens up. The world of consciousness and inner reflection.

Is autobiographical, like most of his short stories. Through the flow of the narrative, the entire atmosphere in which little George grew up, before he went astray, unfolds. The narrative perfection, the sensitivity, the subtle irony, the linguistic richness, the immersion in the psyche of the people, the shocking images, are just some of the elements that one can distinguish in this short story. Elements that reflect the deep cultivation of the author, his studies in Germany (philosophy and psychology) and his love for the place where he was born. The Vizya of eastern Thrace.

This little masterpiece, first published in 1883, translated into French in the Nouvelle Revue (New Review), combines flowing and exciting narration with lively dialogue, mystery with suspense, but also the enigma that lingers just by listening. , of the title of the project. What was the sin?

Case of the project

The story begins with the childhood years of the narrator – George, which are marked by the illness of Annios’ sister and his mother’s desperate but futile struggle to save her sick girl from death. The guilt of the loss subsequently pushes her to two successive adoptions of new girls, which, however, cause her three other fatherless boys to be neglected and deprived of maternal care. When they grow up and become men, they still cannot understand this misguided obsession of their mother’s. When, following years, he returns from his studies in Germany, Giorgis contradicts his mother regarding the preservation of her second psycho daughter, which leads her to the decision to reveal her tragic secret to him.


Author: Georgios Vizyinos

Direction – Interpretation: Konstantinos Giannakopoulos

Music: Thodoris Oikonomou

Sets – Costumes: Paris Mexis

Motion Design: Brisida Solomou

Lighting Design: Christina Thanasoulas

Lighting Assistant: Ifigenia Gianniou

Assistant Director: Fanis Sakellariou

Photos: Marilena Anastasiadou

Video: Thanos Margaritis

Graphic Editing: xMx graphics

Contact – Press Office: Chryssa Matsagani

Production: Phronesis – AMKE


General admission: €15 Reduced (student, unemployed, disabled): €12

Information: 2611 810 983 & 6939 835 990

Performance duration: 85 minutes

They wrote regarding the show…

“…The performer and director, generously offers us all the richness of the text, which is written in Katharefousa. With a tragic mask, in a dark, mysterious and evocatively simple setting, Konstantinos Giannakopoulos uses it movingly and exemplary. …See it…! It is beautiful, pure, honest theater with a Konstantinos Giannakopoulos completely committed to his role. It unfolds meanings and touches our souls, without bothering us, like a lot of modern nonsense…”

Aris Gavrielatos (deBop)

“…Faithful to the original text, Konstantinos Giannakopoulos manages to serve it well, both in terms of directing and with his excellent performance, and by telling the story in the first person, he builds, with the contribution of lighting and music, an evocative atmosphere, creating images in which the viewer effortlessly becomes a part. Overall, this is a moving and meaningful theatrical approach to the text that is worth watching…”

Vicky Loukatou (Theatre)

“…He embodies George, with clear narration – perfect vocal arrangement, between complaint and compassion, tonally wonderful with ups and downs of voice when needed.

He directed himself in a simple way, but with great respect for the text without modernism, with an exemplary result!! The evocative atmosphere, the simple and unnecessary scenery, lighting and music contribute to the magic. The absolute silence of the spectators in an atmosphere charged with emotion, we enjoyed a very good show that is worth seeing!!!…”

Chrysoula Zafiraki (Open Mind)

“…Konstantinos Giannakopoulos directs himself with great care, as he plays George, the Vizyino himself. Everything that has hurt him such as the worsening of Annios’s illness, the mother’s increasing devotion to her and the mother’s escalating indifference to the boys is reflected in his face, in his melancholy, in his movements, in his voice. A show that deserves the attention of the viewers, based on a monumental text, with the essential, inventive and deeply penetrating interpretation of Constantinos Giannakopoulos…”

Maria Mari (In2life)

“…What you see on stage is reminiscent of a painting. And maybe I’m also collected with what I wrote. It is very difficult to be captivated by a monologue that exceeds seventy-seventy-five minutes. But we’ve been talking here for almost an hour and a half and he hasn’t batted an eyelid! One of the best monologues of the last ten years! A show that oozes honeysuckle, that takes us to an era, theoretically behind ours, practically far ahead of ours. In an era when morality is not just a word, nor a buzzword of a controversial nature. In a time when soil leads to soil without interference. Approach freely, approach freely, surrender to the magic of an immortal text and an actor who mixes then and now through tomorrow. A Golgotha ​​without end in its ascent…”

Kostas Koulis (keysmah)

“…An interpretative feat for Konstantinos Giannakopoulos… flawless enunciation, emotional smoothness, spiritual upliftment, aesthetic pleasure… It’s worth seeing, together with your children and grandchildren. Language lesson, moral lesson, life lesson…”

Dr. Konstantinos Bouras (Todaypress)

“…Konstantinos Giannakopoulos approached the short story of Georgios Vizyinos THE SIN OF MY MOTHER in terms of direction and interpretation with the required education and the corresponding respect that such a text of the highest literary value requires, succeeding in the time of one and a half hours to highlight all the semantic, narrative and artistic merits of the work. A performance, a lesson in combining literary and theatrical speech…”

Kostas Akrivos (author)

“…Art requires courage, faith and love. I discovered all this with joy, watching the excellent performance “The sin of my mother” at the “En Athens” theater. Kostas Giannakopoulos surpassed himself, both in terms of directing and acting. The actor was able to win and hold the audience for ninety minutes, in complete rapture. The work offers excitement from the narrative perfection and admiration for the simplicity of the direction, the lighting and above all with the wonderful interpretation, in this work of great difficulty, in language and performance. Do not miss it!…”

Popi Aroniada (SLpress)

“…Konstantinos Giannakopoulos masterfully composes through George’s monologue a tragedy of high aesthetics, it unfolds slowly and steadily on stage, penetrating deeper and deeper into the mental absurdities of the mother which are nevertheless explained and becomes riveting every minute that passes with his excellent interpretation , chilling when he aches from his mother’s rejecting love and shocking when the sin is now revealed. An entire monologue, sharp, with a rich semiotic background, which highlights the entire majesty of the Greek language, but above all a unique performance, which magnetizes the viewer, which seduces and traps him in the pain he carries, which leads him to total purification of the soul that flies, that is sanctified by the light of candles and the purification of water, a performance in praise of Georgios Vizyinos and a grandeur of interpretation by Konstantinos Giannakopoulos…”

Mariliana Rigopoulou (mcnews)

“…The atmosphere was excellently given with scenic findings wisely worked so that we experience important moments of the narrative. The terrible stay in the church, the holy water, the burial… They were like small rituals performed with dedication, always accompanied by the evocative music of Theodoris Oikonomou…”

Stefania Tsoupaki (quinta-theater)

“…The entire mystifying atmosphere of the director and actor absorbs the viewer in what the short story describes. The guilt, the past and the traumas of the characters are all captured and the viewer gets to them. Konstantinos Giannakopoulos comes to perform an apocalypse scene which has an excellent rhythm and atmosphere, visualizing both the chilling description but also capturing the abrupt but very emotional closing of the short story…”

Dimitris Baboulis (TVXS)

“…Konstantinos Giannakopoulos shocked the audience with his completely emotional performance, as George, rendering with acting maturity and admirable zeal the “wounds” caused by his turbulent childhood. It “illuminated” the deeper aspects of this important text, which skillfully acrobats between ancient and vernacular…”

Apostolos Ioannidis (WELOVETHEATRE)

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