CGC gives 15 days to the DGAC to implement recommendations at La Aurora Airport – 2024-05-12 11:31:49

At least 14 recommendations were issued by the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGC) to the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), attached to the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV). These must be implemented within a period of 15 days. If no action is taken, other legal and administrative measures might be taken.

The memorial addressed to the DGAC to carry out improvements at the La Aurora International Airport (AILA) was issued on May 2. The note states that “the recommendations described above must be implemented within a maximum period of 15 calendar days, with the purpose of strengthening internal control and promoting good governance of the institution, as well as transferring a report to the verification presence team that shows the implementation of the notified recommendations, with appropriate supporting documentation.”

The Comptroller’s notification was addressed to Ingrid Azucena Zelaya Florián, interim general director of the DGAC, and consists of five pages.

Verification and conclusions

According to the CGC document, on February 15, a commission from the Comptroller’s Office was appointed to the airport to verify internal control aspects related to the maintenance and repair of the escalators.

The notification presents some of the conclusions, for example, that the installation service of the escalators (escalators) in the areas of Plaza Guatemala and Finger Central or protocol was verified.

It was found, according to the notification, that at the time of verification, the facility service was “abandoned”; the escalator steps do not meet the requested technical specifications; In the international area there is a risk of high-impact illicit situations, since only separating posts and tape separate the flow of passengers entering and leaving the country. And finally, the equipment dismantled from the stairs is located in an inappropriate place.

Another area of ​​verification, according to the notification, is the installation of elevators for passengers and cargo, in the covered parking areas, Plaza Guatemala and Finger Central or protocol.

According to the note, it was found that the elevator service for passengers and cargo is abandoned; There were no short-term concrete efforts and actions in sight by the DGAC to provide a solution to the elevators and stairs; There is no adequate signage for the safety and protection of people passing through where changes to the elevators and escalators are being made, as well as a lack of actions and follow-up to repair the different damages in the air terminal caused by the installation. of elevators and stairs.

In the part of the air terminal building, the Comptroller’s Office states that in the special services area, the false ceiling is completely deteriorated, the walls without adequate maintenance, the plasterboard walls installed without the corresponding finishes, and broken floors.

In the sanitary services, only cleaning is done, “there is no maintenance of the facilities and an action plan for floor treatments, deep cleaning to remove tartar and dirt penetrated into the toilets, urinals and mirrors.”

Likewise, it points out the lack of cleaning of the glass and windows, which appear neglected, and the places surrounding the Aila are occupied by taxi drivers who have a workshop installed, parking for vehicles with mechanical defects and a place for scrap metal, the notification states.


The suggestions in the Comptroller’s notification are directed to Zelaya Florián in the three areas of verification and in which the deadlines of 15 days are set.

For example, that the escalator installation work be resumed immediately, following the supplier’s failure to comply with the specifications for the measurements of the escalator steps, and necessary actions in the international area to mitigate the risk that may arise. the current situation with the flow of passengers entering the country with those leaving.

In the passenger and cargo elevators, it is recommended to resume work, and place adequate signage in the installation areas to protect the physical integrity of the people being transported, as well as the repair of different damages to the building. of the terminal.

Finally, the repair of the finds found in the air terminal; maintenance and cleaning in health services; cleaning glass and windows; restoration of the apartment on the outskirts of La Aurora airport, which is used as a passenger exit and the corresponding actions for the removal of taxi drivers, a workshop, parking of vehicles with mechanical defects and for scrap metal.


Separately, a letter from the Public Ministry addressed to the authorities of the CIV and DGAC was known to inform regarding the measures that will be adopted in the future for the contract for the elevators and escalators.

This arises from a memorial presented by the legal representative of Smart Home Technologies, dated April 15, addressed to the DGAC to create a technical table and be able to carry out a conciliation to conclude the project.

#CGC #days #DGAC #implement #recommendations #Aurora #Airport



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