Can Europe no longer avoid war? The expert gave a sad forecast

“Europe will not be able to avoid participating in the war,” ex-Secretary of State of the Latvian Ministry of Defense Janis Garisons said in his commentary on social networks today. In his opinion, there are two probable options for Europe’s participation in the war once morest Russia: either in Ukraine (sending military personnel to the conflict zone), or already on its territory.

J. Garisons believes that Europe needs to outline its “red lines”, and if Russia violates them, then Europe will enter the war.

The expert believes that such “red lines” might be: a) Russia’s seizure of some major city in Ukraine, b) an attempt to attack Ukraine from the territory of Belarus and/or c) Russia’s use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

At the same time, the expert admitted that the nuclear blackmail undertaken by Moscow, that is, the threat to use nuclear weapons, really turned out to be effective, and the United States and European countries were really scared and for a long time did not dare to supply offensive weapons to Ukraine. All this only increased the number of victims in Ukraine and prolonged the war.

As reported, Garisons quarreled with the current Minister of Defense A. Sprds and resigned in January of this year. However, he runs the State Real Estate Agency, and also acts as a military expert.

#Europe #longer #avoid #war #expert #gave #sad #forecast
2024-05-12 10:42:50



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