What are the consequences of a lack of iron?

What are the consequences of a lack of iron?

2024-05-12 05:30:00

Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia worldwide and mainly affects young children and women of childbearing age. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “ an estimated 40% of all children aged 6 to 59 months, 37% of pregnant women and 30% of women aged 15 to 49 are affected by anemia. »

What is iron in the blood used for? What role does it play in the body?

The iron is a mineral essential for the proper functioning of the body. “ He intervenes in the constitution of thehemoglobin ensuring the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the external environment; in the constitution of myoglobin (reserve form of muscular oxygen) as well as in numerous enzymatic reactions », Specifies the French Society of Cardiology. It also participates in the synthesis and repair of DNA as well as the production and synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters essential to our psychological well-being.

« Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, a protein present in red blood cells.adds Dr Julien Scanzi, hepatologist and author of the work Incredible microbiota: journey to the heart of the astonishing powers of the intestine. Without iron, the blood cells become small, less colored and cannot supply oxygen to the organs. This is why the people who suffer from anemia are often pale and appear out of breath with the slightest effort. »

Why do I have an iron deficiency? What are the causes ?

Several causes can explain a lack of iron:

insufficient intake in the diet; heavy periods in women of childbearing age; poor absorption of iron; or even chronic bleeding.

« In women of childbearing age, the rules are the main cause of iron deficiencyconfirms Dr Julien Scanzi. This deficiency is also common among people who have a restrictive diet, especially vegetarians who do not eat red meat. You must then compensate by consuming legumes or leafy vegetables such as spinach. The schronic bleeding of digestive origin linked to erosions in the stomach or small intestine or polyps of the large intestine are also among the causes of anemia. Finally, chronic inflammation or poor absorption caused by autoimmune gastritis (Biermer’s disease), Helicobacter pylori infection, celiac disease or even inflammatory pathologies such as Crohn’s disease can also be the cause of a lack of iron. »

How to diagnose iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency is usually diagnosed during a blood test. « In addition to the blood count which will inform us regarding hemoglobin, we will also measure ferritin in order to have an idea of ​​the body’s iron reserves. », Specifies the gastroenterologist.

Depending on the age, sex of the patient and the dosage technique used, Normal ferritin levels should be between 20 and 200 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) of blood. A ferritin level below 20 ng/ml in women and 30 in men indicates iron deficiency.

L’anemia results in a hemoglobin level below normal for sex and age; small red blood cells (low MCV) and low hemoglobin concentration (low CCMH) as well as a ferritin level that is too low for sex and age, authenticating the lack of iron. “ When the cause of iron deficiency is obvious – insufficient iron intake, heavy periods – we will first supplement the patient and see what happens.explains Dr Julien Scanzi. If supplementation is not enough, an additional assessment including a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy may be carried out in order to identify the causes of the anemia. »

What are the risks of low ferritin? At what ferritin level should we be concerned?

Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin. Reserves too low – i.e. below 20 ng/ml in women and 30 ng/ml in men – can cause anemia.

On the contrary, a iron level too high (hyperferritinemia) – for example in the case of hemochromatosis, a genetic disease – can also have long-term deleterious repercussions on the body such as cirrhosis.

How do you know if you’re lacking iron? What are the symptoms of anemia?

L’so-called iron deficiency anemiathat is to say by iron deficiency, sets in gradually and is often well tolerated, at least initially, by the body.

Fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath

On the other hand, when the drop in hemoglobin level is greater, symptoms appear:

a pallor ;asthenia (fatigue) ;and shortness of breath during exercise; headaches; dizziness or dizziness ;impaired concentration abilities.

A hair lossdry skin, obrittle nailsor “in a spoon” (thin and concave) or even a restless legs syndrome are also signs of iron deficiency.

Finally, anemia can cause shortness of breath, an increase in heart rate and even chest pain. In the most extreme cases, fortunately rare, it can even lead to myocardial infarction. Dr Julien Scanzi

What is the treatment for iron deficiency? How to raise iron levels in the blood?

The treatment of iron deficiency is mainly based on oral iron supplementation for at least three months. It is advisable to take iron preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach, and to combine it with vitamin C to facilitate its absorption. “ It is also recommended to avoid drinking tea at the same time as taking iron because this reduces its absorption.adds Dr Julien Scanzi. In the event of intolerance to oral iron, an iron infusion may be required. Finally, if the hemoglobin is really too low, it is possible to transfuse the patient. »

Lack of iron and diet: what to eat?

THE daily iron requirements for adults are one milligram per day for men and two milligrams for women. Iron is mainly present in the Red meatoffal, fish, lentils, eggs as well as green leafy vegetabless (spinach, lamb’s lettuce, watercress, parsley, etc.)

There are two forms of iron:

heme ironpresent exclusively in foods of animal origin and better absorbed by the body;non-heme iron found in cereals, vegetables and eggs.

In addition to oral supplementation, in the event of anemia it is advisable to favor foods rich in iron such as red meat, black pudding, calf’s liver, shellfish or even legumes (lentils).

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