Tragic that Kasselakis divides society and young people again in such a toxic way – 2024-05-11 22:10:14

The reaction of the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zacharakis, was caused by what Stefanos Kasselakis said.

Commenting on the statement of the leader of SYRIZA St. Kasselakis that the “ministers are killing children” Sofia Zaharaki reported on SKAI TV.

“I consider it tragic that a young politician, who even claims that he wants to bring the new to politics, instrumentalizes in one paragraph, the religious sentiment, the message of these holy days and the tragic death of young children. I actually see a competition with Mr. Velopoulos who a few days ago had almost banned us from going to churches….

The issue is that right now a new politician who claims to bring the new can so instrumentalize human suffering and tragic loss and at the same time divide society…

The worst thing he can do and the least the Greeks need is one more division. And especially to young people… What are we telling these people right now? What is the feeling being cultivated? Only hate. Is this what the new generation needs? Definitely no. It shouldn’t divide in such a toxic way…

All of this is taking us backwards. recalling other periods when we had upper and lower squares, divisive and toxic slogans?”

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#Tragic #Kasselakis #divides #society #young #people #toxic



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