Claudia Sheinbaum talks about her first task in case she wins

MEXICO CITY (EFE).— The official presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, assured yesterday that her first task, to win the elections on June 2, will be to search for the current Secretary of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), Rogelio Ramírez de la Or, to offer him to continue in the Government for a transition period.

In her participation during the National Meeting of Regional Councilors (RNCR) 2024, of the BBVA financial group, the candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition indicated that during electoral campaigns she is prohibited from approaching public officials of the federal government.

“It is my first task on June 2: to speak to Dr. Ramírez de la O and I hope that he will accept us to stay for a while in the Ministry of the Treasury,” said the candidate before an audience made up mainly of businessmen and bankers.

In addition, she acknowledged that the appointments of the members of her cabinet will not be the only task she has when taking the reins as president, since at the beginning of her administration there are proposals for a member of the Governing Board of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). ) and a minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

In this sense, the candidate mentioned that she will be very responsible for appointing the best profile to fill the seat left vacant by Irene Espinosa in Banxico.

Regarding monetary policy, he stressed that if he becomes president his commitment will be to “respect the autonomy of Banxico.”

The former Head of Government of Mexico City (2018-2023) did not reject that the name of a woman would be taken into consideration to replace Irene Espinosa in the Mexican central bank, although she did not reveal any possible candidate.

“It would be very good if she were a woman to continue with more women in public spaces,” she said.

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In the case of the vacancy in the Mexican Supreme Court, the official presidential candidate, who leads the polls prior to the largest election in Mexican history, did not reveal any possible name either.

Meanwhile, the candidate of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s party has promoted the reform that aims to elect judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote and that proposes the restitution of the entire Mexican Supreme Court.

For his part, Sheinbaum assured that “the rice has already been cooked (he has already won)” in the upcoming June 2 elections, where more than 20,700 public positions will be contested, including the presidency, the entire federal congress and nine governorships.

Thus, he maintained that only “the process of June 2 is missing”, since it has “very great recognition throughout the country.”

The polls place Sheinbaum with a wide advantage over his main opposition rival, Xóchitl Gálvez, from the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition, while in a third and more distant place is also the opposition Jorge Álvarez Máynez, from Movimiento Ciudadano.

#Claudia #Sheinbaum #talks #task #case #wins
2024-05-11 16:20:44

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