Peru Approves Decree Pathologizing LGBTIQ+ Identities: Impact on Mental Health Diagnoses

Peru Approves Decree Pathologizing LGBTIQ+ Identities: Impact on Mental Health Diagnoses

2024-05-11 03:42:29

According to the official document, transsexuality, gender identity, among other sexual diversities, will be classified as “mental illnesses.”

Serious. He approved today, Friday, May 10, a Supreme Decree that pathologizes LGBTIQ+ identities, especially trans people.

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In the decree, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) incorporated the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Health Insurance Plan (PEAS).

In this way, ICD-10 diagnoses are now included among the mental disorders insured by the state health service. In these diagnoses, sexual diversities are mentioned, such as transsexuality, transvestism, gender identity, among others.

Following the news, various people from the LGBTIQ+ community expressed their concern regarding this situation, as they alleged that the MINSA uses outdated information regarding the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO), since the ICD-10 left to be used in 2022.

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