Enikő Kecskés cheated, which is why their relationship with T. Danny ended

Enikő Kecskés cheated, which is why their relationship with T. Danny ended

Enikő Kecskés was a guest of Levente Lakatos in the podcast Levente’s Club. Among other things, the young model talked regarding her work, which she has been doing since she was 14 years old, as well as her ex-love, Dániel Telegdy, or, as most people know him, T. Danny.

The relationship between Enikő and Dani was closely followed by the media, mainly because the two young people’s love was very stormy. They decided to end their relationship several times, but they always found each other once more. Except for the most recent breakup, according to Enikő, it was final, and she declared that they had concluded their shared history.

As is well known, Dani wrote most of the songs on his last album based on his relationship with Eniko. The young girl said that she did not like the fact that several songs were written regarding her, sometimes containing strong references.

“It wasn’t very nice of him to write such texts following he and I knew what had happened. Maybe he shouldn’t have even warned people once morest me, but if he liked it that way, then…” – said the pretty model, who believes that Dani made a mistake and that’s why she left him.

“It turned out so beautifully” – T. Danny does not want to let Eniko Kecskés go

“I have forgiven many things, but there are things that I already think are impossible. And although I didn’t want to leave him, as he puts it, he didn’t leave much of a choice.” he revealed, adding that they are no longer seeing each other and nothing substantial has been done to mend their relationship.

“I think it takes two adults to make a relationship work, and here I don’t think there are two adults in this story” – declared the model, and then said that she thought Dani had plenty of opportunities to improve the situation, but she almost always made it worse.

Enikő then added that the particular mistake that Dani made was cheating. He didn’t say it specifically, but when Levente asked regarding whether T. Danny had put a ring on his finger, Enikő snapped:

Well, he pulled something else somewhere else…

T. Danny also reacted

Of course, Dani did not leave the statement without a word, and defended herself on her social media page, saying that what Enikő claims is a simple lie. He shared a mysterious quote from the American writer Jodi Lynn Picoult:

“Lie to yourself until the lie becomes the truth” – he wrote in his Instagram story, available for 24 hours, which by clicking here available until Tuesday morning.

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