No more toilets as we knew them: Changes are coming that no one expected 2024-05-09 18:44:43

Women and Equalities Minister Kemi Bandenos said the move would end “the rise of so-called ‘gender-neutral’ mixed-gender toilet spaces, which deny privacy and dignity to both men and women”.

The legislation will mean that new non-domestic buildings must install separate male and female toilet facilities or, if there is insufficient space, self-contained general toilets, which are a fully enclosed toilet containing a sink and hand dryer.

Updated regulations mean that new public buildings across England will have to include single-sex facilities from later this year.

Ministers hope the change will end the spread of “gender neutral” toilets where women have to share with men using urinals or cubicles.

It is the latest in a series of government moves aimed at protecting the rights of women and girls, including ending transgender patients being allowed on women’s wards in NHS hospitals.

Schools have also been told to provide separate spaces for boys and girls.

Housing Minister Lee Rowley said: “We know that all members of society value safety, privacy and dignity and this new legislation will help ensure there are suitable facilities for everyone.

“It is vital that new buildings, particularly in public spaces, serve the community with proper toilet provision.”

The new building regulation will be published in the coming weeks and will come into force within the year.

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