Successful debut of Chilanejo students in the 2024 Chile Bicicross Cup – La Discusión 2024-05-09 15:09:56

Successful debut of Chilanejo students in the 2024 Chile Bicicross Cup – La Discusión
 2024-05-09 15:09:56

This past weekend the inauguration of the new Bicicross track in the commune took place, kicking off the Chile Bicicross Cup Chillán 2024.

On Saturday and Sunday, the athletes debuted on the new track, which is classified as one of the largest and most modern in South America, where nine students from DAEM schools and high schools competed.

The mayor of Chillán, Camilo Benavente Jiménez, started this championship, mentioning that “this track is a dream come true for more than 100 athletes of this discipline in the commune and region. The boys and girls who practice this sport today can say that they do so on a high-level track and one of the most modern in our country.”

Five municipal schools were present with their student athletes, standing out significantly in the results obtained: From the Palestinian School, Nicolás Manríquez (Palestine School) took the podium, obtaining first place in both competitions, in the Male Novices category 9-10 years old. While Rosario Acuña obtained first place in her Girls 5-7 years category in both competitions.

Student Jean Paul Cerrada from the Arturo Mutizabal School participated, reaching second place in both competitions in the Novice Boys 13-14 Years Category. Jesús Guacara also competed, who obtained eighth and sixth place in the competitions in his Male Novices 11-12 years category.

Meanwhile, for the Escuela República de México there were Martín Castro who achieved first and third place in the Boys 14 category in both competitions. While the student Agustín Burgos obtained third and fourth place in the Novice Boys 13-14 years category in both competitions.

Jason Guzmán, from the Arturo Merino Benítez School, reached sixth and fifth place in the Novice Boys 13-14 years category in both competitions. Antonia Troncoso, obtained tenth and third place in both competitions, in the Girls category of her 14 years old.

While from Liceo Marta Colvin, Johan González obtained sixth and seventh place in the Boys 14 category on both dates.

The students of the municipal schools and high schools of Chillán achieved outstanding results in Bicicross, thanks to the workshops given by the Municipal Education Directorate and their participation in the Chillán Bicicross Club.

The director of the DAEM, Marco Aguilera Marchant, highlighted the notable performance of the students, mentioning that “it is a great achievement for the boys and girls who belong to our educational system, since with a lot of effort they have managed to advance and improve in this discipline. , standing out in this great competition that has been held on the new track.”

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