Transforming bad feeling: a visual exercise – 2024-05-08 22:48:56

Transforming bad feeling: a visual exercise 
 – 2024-05-08 22:48:56

In our quest to think positively and live a pleasant life, we often find ourselves caught in stressful situations that deeply affect our existence. It is important to remember that most contemporary illnesses are not exclusively physical, but also mental.

The starting point to address this discomfort is thought, the origin of both external and internal stimuli that shape our reality since childhood, when we absorb the programs that will guide our lives.

Our nature is made up of energy and chemistry, evidenced in the nerve endings that trigger manifestations in our cells. By understanding that most of our actions come from internal programs, whether considered habits or unconscious impulses, we begin to glimpse how we live.

If we find ourselves in a state of discomfort, the objective is to move towards well-being. Modern science and ancient knowledge offer us simple but powerful formulas to achieve this change.

It is crucial to reflect on how we process our thoughts and feelings: do we visualize images, hear internal dialogues, or experience physical sensations? These three mental states are universal for all human beings.

To transform this discomfort we must detach ourselves from disturbing images and associate ourselves with images of happiness and fulfillment. A visual exercise involves projecting unwanted images on a wall and superimposing positive images on them where we see ourselves happy and fulfilled.

By repeatedly covering the negative image with the positive one, we are decoding the disturbing thought and replacing it with a transformative one. This exercise, although simple, can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

Regular practice of this technique can help us cultivate a more positive mindset and overcome obstacles that prevent us from living fully. It is a simple but transformative process that can make a big difference in our quality of life. Now let’s go to the specific exercise:

Bring in the image that is disturbing you; It will have light, it will be big and it will be close. Now place at the bottom right, a small image, where you are happy, fulfilled and fulfilled, look for that image in your memories. And now do the following. Very quickly cover the big image, the one you don’t want with the small one, do it several times and keep the new image. A simple and transformative exercise. Now you can be in well-being.

“Transform discomfort by disassociating yourself from disturbing images.”

Yesid Barrera, doctor in political science and sociology.

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