Meloni is happy, Schlein less so –

Pietro De Leo

Those more accustomed to the political affairs of this country will certainly remember the main scene of 2002. Nanni Moretti who goes on stage at a demonstration organized by the Ulivo in Piazza Navona, and shouts: “With these leaders we will never win.” It was the first step of what came a few months later, namely the girotondi season. The epic of radical-chic anti-Berlusconism, the continuous reminder of the danger of authoritarian drifts. Some of the protagonists tried to jump into the institutions, but everything soon ended up in the scrapbook. Well, that script might repeat itself today. There is a lot of turmoil in the «25 Aprile» chat, created on Liberation Day by Repubblica columnist Massimo Giannini and animated by a large progressive milieu, populated by writers, entertainers, even entrepreneurs.

Let's kill him.  The shocking phrase regarding Vannacci in Giannini's Bella ciao chat

A bubbling of proposals, all oriented by the common compass of saving democracy in Italy, obviously put in danger by the Meloni government. And who, between one message and another, seems to be looking at something more than collective self-awareness sessions via smartphone. “I inform you that we are trying to close the agreements for our first public release,” Giannini wrote, according to .

An event, he adds, «which might approximately be Sunday 26 May, at a time that we will then set, in the city of the Other Economy of Testaccio», in Rome. And he adds: «We think that a public and open place, but above all “popular”, better reflects the spirit that animates us at this moment. Subsequently, and in parallel, we should carry out thematic initiatives in theaters in various cities in Italy.”

Hate in chat on Vannacci: Let's kill him.  Giannini's self-defense is a boomerang

There are those, however, who think even bigger. He is Paolo Flores D’Arcais, founder and director of Micromega. He puts it down pretty hard. «Dear Massimo», he writes evidently addressing Giannini, «if before the end of the month we make an initiative in a theater to say who we are there will be the usual reactions regarding a new unrealistic group, and in reality we have had meetings like this in recent decades done by perhaps filling a theater and then nothing.” And then, comes the alternative that he knows of relaunching. «June 2nd is the right date for those who say “every day is April 25th”. Therefore «if with four weeks of time and so many good names we are unable to act as catalysts for a mobilization that fills Piazza Navona on June 2nd it means that we made a mistake in the analysis.”

If it said let's kill Scurati..., the left hypocrisy on the anti-Vannacci chat

Here it is, the symbolic place evocative of times gone by, where it all began. And between someone who gets caught up in the enthusiasm (the former President of Torino Attilio Romero who proposes an “emergency government” with Giannini as prime minister) and Repubblica who “accompanies” the chat (“a lifesaver for the people only on the left” headline yesterday), there is a political point that unites yesterday and today.

The girotondi of the beginning of the millennium, in fact, were born out of a strong drive for discontinuity compared to the center-left parties of the time. Today, a possible organic initiative, which comes out of the chat and materializes in a mobilization, would give the sense of an increasingly balkanized left, with the “reflective middle class” 4.0 which does not recognize the party in theory of reference, the Democratic Party, an exhaustive work of opposition to the Meloni government. For this reason, according to what understands, it seems that the simmering desires in the chat in question are very indigestible to Elly Schlein, who therefore sees her aspiration to keep the area united becoming more complicated. Much will depend on the message that this mobilization will eventually send. You’ll see that, in the end, the only one to gain an advantage in this match will be Giorgia Meloni.

#Meloni #happy #Schlein #Tempo
2024-05-08 18:25:52



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