those who insult Jews acquitted –

Yuri Maria Prado

If “genocide”, “ethnic cleansing”, “collective punishment”, in short the ignominies for which Israel is said to have been responsible, become the truths that legitimize the insult of the Jews, it means that the limit of the unthinkable has been exceeded. And if it is not just bar chatter, but judicial measures which – rejecting the victims’ appeals – acquit those responsible for those attacks which were only verbal for now, but well capable of instigating more violence, it means that anti-Semitic prejudice has taken the levels of administrative officialdom and threatens the rule of law even more dangerously.

These were civil proceedings in which the injured parties asked the judge to order the removal of defamatory messages spread via social media. Three times in the space of a few weeks, in Milan and Rome, justice showed disregard for those requests for protection, rejecting the requests of people accused of genocidal collaboration and therefore defined as “Nazi” and “racist” only because they did not align with the propaganda which shows photos of Auschwitz next to those of the ruins of Gaza.

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It happens here, in Italy. In the country that approved the racial laws, in the country that rhetorically establishes parliamentary commissions against hatred and celebrates Remembrance Day, justice begins to be written that minimizes violence against Jews because in the end their exterminatory responsibility is incontrovertible .

That is, it is starting to be written on judicial paper, not on the surface of the social swamp, that it would be legitimate to list the Jewish potentates in the information system and accuse them of conspiring against the truth by virtue of their dominance. With the difference that that swamp, however extensive, does not enjoy any serious accreditation and can still be reclaimed, if desired: while if the effects of anti-Semitic propaganda resonate in the courtroom, acquitted in the ordinances that have long damaged the ‘Jew who has no right to feel insulted until he swears that he belongs to the persecutory race, then we are well into a civil and moral disaster which is much more difficult to remedy.

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When a judge – we are in Milan, in this case – speaks of “collective punishment” in relation to the Israeli reaction to the pogrom of 7 October last year, he adopts evaluation criteria recovered not from the codes, but from his own political orientation: which is legitimate to let off steam in a student march, but really not in the process governed by the same law for all. That is, the law that should prohibit insulting someone just because they belong to a people who have family, historical and cultural ties with a country, Israel, now used as an overall spittoon. Just as anyone who calls someone a dirty mafia person would be punished because he has a Palermo surname and refuses to write in his own blood that Sicily is a pile of dung.

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When a judge – we are still in Milan – claims to accredit the thesis of “genocide” by arguing that it would have been considered “plausible” by the International Court of Justice (it is a lie contradicted by the President of the Court herself, Joan E. Donoghue), it means that propaganda is no longer just the soundtrack of the talk show, but is legalized in stamped paper.
When a judge – and this time we are in Rome – lingers on the term “femicide”, to argue that it is legitimate to denigrate those who use it in relation to the rapes of 7 October, he is not referring to some relevant criteria on the right of criticism: on the contrary, legitimizes the collective motion that criticizes the reality of the violence suffered by Israeli women, the same one that showed indignation because the children in the cradles were not beheaded, as the Zionist Entity subtly claimed, but only their throats cut. For now they are isolated judicial measures. Whether they remain as they are or instead multiply depends on the degree of indifference they will receive.

#insult #Jews #acquitted #Tempo
2024-05-08 18:25:38

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