How a young Paschinger became a lifesaver

Every year, three people in Austria are diagnosed with leukemia every day. Conventional therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy can often contain the disease and prevent the worst from happening. But if that doesn’t work, a stem cell transplant is the last resort. However, the matching donors must be typed. An association that has been doing this for over 25 years is “Giving for Life – Leukemia Aid Austria”.

In June 2022, a typing campaign was organized at Johannes Kepler University. All students were offered the opportunity to register as stem cell donors. One of every students who registered was 27-year-old Lukas Wais from Pasching.

Genetic twin from Central Europe

“The April day in 2022 started like a normal university day for me. I was walking across campus when I suddenly stumbled upon the typing campaign. I was informed and spontaneously decided to have my cheek swab swabbed. A good year went by and I didn’t even think about it anymore Typing, when I was contacted by the Giving for Life association in the summer of 2023, I had a genetic twin who urgently needed my stem cells,” says Wais.

Image: private


from left: Philipp Bergsmann (ÖH JKU), stem cell donor Lukas Wais, Katharina Palatzky (Giving for Life)
Image: private

“In a conversation, I was informed about the next steps. Shortly after I agreed, the blood sample began to check compatibility. The summer went by and I thought that my donation probably wouldn’t be needed until September , shortly before the deadline, then the call came that the stem cells were needed. A week before the donation, I injected myself with Neupogen to increase the number of stem cells in the blood. I responded very well to the medication means that I felt side effects, mainly body aches and fatigue. On the other hand, I produced a lot of stem cells, which is why the donation was over quickly. “I would do it again at any time,” says the 27-year-old. With his donation he gave a man in Central Europe hope of survival.

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“Luke’s example shows how important stem cell typing is and that lives can be saved with a simple cheek swab. We are therefore particularly pleased at the ÖH JKU together with “Giving for Life – Leukemia Aid Austria” and AMSA to host the next typing campaign at the JKU plan,” says ÖH chairman Philipp Bergsmann. This next promotion will take place on October 22, 2024.

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