Why these dog breeds are considered dangerous and what measures to take to avoid accidents – 2024-05-07 23:14:10

There are more than 300 dog breeds, according to data from the International Cynological Federation (FCI). Within this diversity, Each companion animal has particular behavioral traits that must be known to provide the best possible treatment to the canine..

For this reason, it is important to differentiate the traits that distinguish each of them to know which dog breeds require a much more careful and special domestication process.

What are the most dangerous dog breeds?

According to the Law for the Control of Dangerous Animals of the Ministry of the Interior, the Pit Bull Terrier, Stafordshire Terrier and Tosa Inu dog breeds are considered “highly dangerous” due to their racial typology. On the other hand, there is another classification of dog breeds that, according to this law, are also considered dangerous:

  1. Rottweiler
  2. Dogo Argentino
  3. Guatemalan Dogo
  4. Fila Brasileiro
  5. Presa Canario
  6. Doberman
  7. Big Japanese Dog
  8. Mastin Napolitano
  9. Mayorqui Dam
  10. Dogue de Bordeaux
  11. Bullmastiff
  12. Bull Terrier Ingles
  13. Bull dog americano
  14. Rhodesiano.

What measures to take to avoid accidents?

The general recommendation of expert rescuers is to correctly educate any pet dog regardless of its breed, since, in the opinion of Anaité Briz, founder and director of Vida Animal Guatemala Any dog ​​can develop aggressive behaviors if they are not educated properly..

These are some recommendations to prevent dogs, regardless of their breed, from developing behaviors of this nature:

  • Find out before adopting a dog, since you must know each of the peculiarities of the breed of the pet you will adopt.
  • Be clear that it is a long-term commitment that requires time, patience and sufficient financial resources to provide decent conditions for the canine.
  • In general, treat your dog with affection, respect and dignity, providing care appropriate to its breed. You can find out regarding this by consulting a specialized professional, be it a veterinarian or dog trainers.
  • Avoid touching the dog inappropriately; Pet your pet gently, preferably on body parts such as the back or jaw.
  • Do not overstimulate the dog in any way. Certain games or gestures can cause abnormal stimulation and lead to aggressive behavior.
  • When petting a canine for the first time, use the back and not the palm of your hand.
  • If necessary, it is recommended that the dog wear a muzzle if going out for a walk.
  • If you find a canine on the street, avoid approaching it, as this might lead to an accident.

Why are some crosses between dog breeds dangerous?

Briz points out that there are people who cross dogs of different breeds and this creates risk, since some crosses can lead to a much more aggressive creature. He also mentions that some dogs are separated from their mother from an early age, which has an impact on their psychomotor skills and behavior.

On the other hand, it mentions that, sometimes, dogs remain in places or circumstances that are inappropriate for them, either because they are kept tied or locked in a room or other inappropriate places, which triggers aggressive behavior.

For her part, Gina Morataya, confiscator rescuer and spokesperson for the Sueño Animal Sanctuary, states that several dogs considered dangerous breeds have been used for fights, illegal sales, discriminatory behavior or, they have not been given dignified, respectful and adequate treatment, coinciding with other experts on the subject.

Regarding crossbreeding, Morataya agrees that there are some that are dangerous. On the other hand, it states that, if a dog represents a serious and imminent danger to human life and other animals, it is preferable to practice “loving euthanasia”, which involves putting the dog to sleep to safeguard the safety of both humans and animals. other living beings.

Likewise, Morataya emphasizes the importance of animal castration, since it is a fundamental measure to avoid accidents.

Likewise, it calls on the corresponding authorities to take concrete actions to offer dignified treatment to all dogs and pets in the country, since it assures that shelters are not sufficient for this purpose. Finally, both rescuers urge people to treat any canine in a dignified and appropriate manner, since the responsibility falls on humans and not on the dogs as such..

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