“A new Europe that is not a Chinese and Islamic colony” –

Dario Martini

«Defend European borders, withdraw the crazy directives on cars and homes, support farmers». Matteo Salvini illustrates to the Europe he has in mind, a Union that distances itself from Macron, especially on Ukraine, because the leader of the League says he is «very worried that we are increasingly talking more regarding war than regarding peace”. And he launches an appeal for center-right unity so that socialists are excluded from the European government.

Minister, let’s start from Europe. You said that you will never support a repeat of von der Leyen following the elections. Another name on the field is that of Mario Draghi, who however would replicate the same pattern. Are you afraid of being left out of the next commission? And what might be the alternative?
«Whoever will vote for the League in June has one certainty, and I say it first: we will never go to govern in Brussels or Strasbourg with the left, with the socialists, with the communists or with Macron. I am counting on the centre-right to be able to find compactness and unity, as taught by Silvio Berlusconi, in order to avoid a European government shifted to the left. The presence of the socialists is what worries me: between the warmonger Macron and Marine Le Pen I have no doubts which side to take, I’m sorry that not everyone – even in the Italian centre-right – thinks like me.

Can you tell us the three main things that need to change in this European Union?
«It must defend the European borders, therefore also Lampedusa, Ventimiglia and Trieste, something it has never done. It must withdraw crazy regulations and directives once morest Italian cars and homes, which are just a gift to China for the electric cars imposed by Brussels and to the banks for house taxes. It must help farmers, breeders and fishermen, stopping with the diffusion and propaganda of chemical cheese and meat, insect or cricket flours and other rubbish invented by foreign multinational billionaires.”

Ukraine, Salvini's promise:

Video on this topic

His slogan is less Europe and more Italy. Don’t we risk remaining isolated?
«The opposite is true! Immigration, protection of workers starting from farmers, defense of homes and cars with traditional engines: I don’t think Italy was defended by the outgoing Commission and despite the presence of a Commissioner like Gentilon I, coincidentally by the Democratic Party. We need new alliances and new projects in Europe, otherwise we will become a half-Chinese, half-Islamic colony.”

You called Macron a “warmonger”. Do you think that the French president’s campaign is just an election campaign or that there is really a risk of sending soldiers from European countries to Ukraine?
«Thinking of sending our children to fight and die in Ukraine is dangerous and crazy: superficiality is not allowed on certain issues. I am very worried by the fact that in the halls of power people are talking more regarding war than peace, I hope that Pope Francis’ words will be taken into greater consideration.”

You, alone among all the leaders, chose not to run. How come?
“Because I am a minister and a deputy prime minister, the secretary of the League, a father and a partner, and I would ask for a vote even though I know I won’t go to Brussels.”

The Girotondini in the streets  once morest the premiership.  Guerritore's idea

Your leading candidate is General Vannacci. However, many Northern League members have said that only party members will vote. Is it a candidacy that risks dividing more than uniting?
«The left has chosen to nominate Ilaria Salis, in prison in Hungary with very serious charges which I hope will be dropped, we preferred a general like Roberto Vannacci who defended Italy in dangerous theaters of war. I am sure he will be able to gather a lot of support, even from those who traditionally would not have voted for the League. After that, Vannacci is just one of the many candidates ahead of the European Championships and I remember that up to three preferences are possible: throughout Italy we have valuable lists, starting from Rome and Lazio with women and men of great talent.”

In what ways is General Vannacci close to the values ​​of the League?
«Despite being an independent and unregistered candidate, he has our ideas on the value of freedom of thought and speech (which Brussels would like to cancel), of national sovereignty, of the homeland and of the family, of a justice system that needs to be reformed and of immigration to check”.

Hundreds of left-wing people tried to prevent one of his events at a theater in Livorno. A similar episode happened to Vannacci in Naples. You have also received threats. He is concerned?
«Unfortunately we are used to it, certain leftists never change. I trust there is a lowering of tension, but we certainly won’t stop. General Vannacci fought Islamic terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, I don’t think he is afraid of two social centers. I risk 15 years in prison for having fought (and almost eliminated) illegal immigration, let alone being semi-frightened in the face of four children of nostalgic and boring fathers.”

Every week there are pro-Palestine demonstrations. Italian universities are in turmoil. Do you see a danger of anti-Semitism in our country?
«Of course yes, what is happening is disconcerting and dangerous. Not only are there shameful attacks on Israel, but a constitutional right such as freedom of expression is even cancelled: anyone who claims that Israel can and must defend itself is insulted and censored. What happened in some squares on April 25, with insults to the Jewish brigade, is frightening. Having said this, I hope that there will be no more civilian victims, that the hostages will be released and Hamas destroyed, that Israelis and Palestinians can finally live, in peace, in two free states.”

Vannacci and the “straw fire”.  Rags fly in the Army: the offending phrases

Autonomy was scheduled in Parliament. Forza Italia has said that it will ensure that imbalances are not created. When do you plan to take her home?
«As soon as possible, because it is a reform that is good for the country. As the friends of Forza Italia know very well, today there are imbalances which however are not the result of autonomy (which does not exist) but of centralism and bureaucracy. With the reform we will give more responsibility and power to the territory, bringing politics closer to the citizens.”

Regarding justice, will you support the separation of careers?
«Of course yes, we are talking regarding another reform that cannot be postponed».

The Strait Bridge was initially supposed to start in the summer. Now we’re talking regarding the end of the year. What are the times?
«As quickly as possible: I remember that we have restarted a work that has been awaited for decades and that no one had managed to start, which will bring work and wealth not only to Sicily and Calabria, but throughout Italy, including Rome and Milan».

#Europe #Chinese #Islamic #colony #Tempo
2024-05-07 17:49:35



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