Fallen families are outraged by the expected appointment of Shlomi Binder to the head of AMN

Families of fallen from the forum bereaved parents of Golani Brigade martyrs together with the Lavi organization, sent today (Friday) to the Chief of Staff Hertzi Halevi and the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant A warning letter before a petition to the High Court demanding to cancel the appointment of Brigadier General Shlomi Binder for the position of Chief of Army Staff and for the position of Major General.

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The warning letter sent by Attorney Yitzhak Bem to the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff reads: “Yesterday it was published in the media about your intention to promote Brigadier General Binder to the position of Chief of Defense Forces instead of Major General Aharon Haliva, who announced seven months late of his intention to retire from his position. Brigadier General Binder has so far fulfilled the duties of the head of the operations division in the Southern Command. I would ask you to refrain from promoting Brigadier General Binder, and this is because today, before an independent investigation of the omissions that occurred on October 7 is concluded, there is no factual basis that allows decisions to be made regarding the promotion of officers directly related to the default”.

Aharon Haliva (Photo: Gideon Markovich Flash 90)

Advocate Bem further adds: “The role of the head of the operations division is to prepare operational plans and coordinate the use of force and provide an operative response to terrorist threats and military threats in his area of ​​responsibility. On the face of it, along with the diligent intelligence failure to identify the Hamas threat, the response the IDF gave to the Hamas invasion of the Gaza Strip on October 7th was a resounding failure. is deficient and does not take into account all the relevant considerations. Therefore, the decision will not be able to stand.”

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Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

As mentioned, last night the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff announced a round of appointments in the IDF and the promotion of commanders who distinguished themselves in combat in the field and at headquarters during the “Iron Swords” war, to positions in the General Staff forum. As already announced, Brigadier General Shlomi Binder will be appointed to the position of head of the Intelligence Division, in place of Aharon Haliva, who resigned. Brigadier General Avi Belot will be appointed as commander of the Central Command.

Brigadier General Blot, a highly privileged combat officer, is also the first general to graduate from the Ali Beit Harushot yeshiva for combat officers in the IDF in recent years. An acorn is flesh of the flesh of the residents of Judea and Samaria and now it will be difficult for the right to shout about discrimination, deprivation, persecution, lack of understanding of a central command headquarters for their security needs and today pigeons.

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