Daily Mail calls for urgent rescue of emperor penguins (VIDEO)

“Emperor penguins will soon become extinct. 99% of birds might disappear by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise,” writes an English newspaper. Global warming has reached penguins, which are predicted to disappear before the end of the century.

“Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey have warned that 99% of emperor penguins will disappear by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at current rates.

“As the continent warms, we see the ice melting earlier, leading to higher chick mortality. With fewer chicks surviving in many colonies, it is likely that over time a number of current breeding sites will become unsuitable and the overall population will decline,” said Dr Peter Fretwell, a specialist at the British Antarctic Survey. He explained that emperor penguins breed and raise their chicks on stable sea ice that is firmly anchored to the shore.

If the ice melts too early, the chicks will end up in the sea before they develop waterproof feathers. Experts noted that record low levels of sea ice in Antarctica at the end of 2023 led to disruptions in reproduction in 14 colonies. If greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at their current rate, the emperor penguin population is projected to decline by 99% by the end of the century.”

The emperor penguin (lat. Aptenodytes forsteri), also known as Forster’s penguin, is the largest and heaviest living species of the penguin family. His average height is regarding 120 cm, and his weight ranges between 22 and 45 kg. The head and back of the body are black, the abdominal part is white, becoming yellow towards the top. Like all penguins, emperor penguins cannot fly. Together with the king penguin, it belongs to the genus of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes). The specific Latin name is given in honor of the German scientist Johann Forster (1729-1798).

#Daily #Mail #calls #urgent #rescue #emperor #penguins #VIDEO
2024-05-07 07:45:42



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