“Fundamental Service” – Time

Christian Campigli

The most serious emergency in our country. For years underestimated by intellectuals and analysts. The solution to the birth rate crisis in Italy is a key step for the future of the country itself. The centre-right, aware that erasing borders, traditions and our thousand-year history cannot be the key to this critical issue, has very clear ideas on the topic. And he is aware that increasing places in public nursery schools is a first, fundamental step to reverse this trend. Yesterday the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, signed the decree for a new plan for nursery schools worth 734.9 million euros. An authentic revolution, however in line with the parameters and objectives of the Pnrr, which aims to increase places in order to improve the educational offer from early childhood and offer concrete help to families.

Mim and partisan associations, Valditara: Resistance is everyone's value

“This is an investment to which we attribute a strategic value for the quality of the school system, and beyond. Our objective is to expand a fundamental service to reduce the disparities in starting points, while meeting the needs of families and in particular of women, to whom we offer an additional tool for reconciling work and motherhood – declared the Minister Valditara – As with the previous plan, we hope to achieve the maximum result also thanks to the simplification of rules and procedures, accompanied by constant support to the administrations involved, decisive prerequisites for being able to seize the opportunities of the Pnrr”.

The new plan for nursery schools is underway.  Valditara: “Expanding fundamental service”

The decree, in addition to ascertaining and mobilizing the available resources, defines the criteria for allocating them among the Municipalities, taking into account the ISTAT data relating to the current coverage of the service in the 0-2 year age group, the resident population and the number of children. in the age group 0-2 years. Fourteen metropolitan cities, in consideration of the territorial extension of these areas, will all have a share of resources available to activate and strengthen nursery schools, regardless of the level of service coverage already achieved for the 0-2 year age group.

#Fundamental #Service #Time
2024-05-05 17:35:32



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